The mutual love of the people of paradise
The fragrant aromas of paradise
Adnan Oktar's Biography
Adnan Oktar and Rabbi Yehuda Glick on live TV show (December 3, 2009)
Episode-3 Milky Way
Direct causes will be done away with in paradise
Our Prophet's intercession for the people of paradise on the day of reckoning
Live interview with Adnan Oktar on The Rusty Humphries Show (Talk Radio Network, USA) (June 3, 2010)
A journey in the world of miracles 3
Return to Reality 3 - Robert Miranda
Names of Allah -3-
Human beauty in paradise
Adnan Oktar's view on dialogue initiative
Short Introduction - Adnan Oktar and His Works
Adnan Oktar’s Articles Published in the International Media
A journey in the world of animals - for children 3
Who is Adnan Oktar (Replies to Aspersions)
Mr. Adnan Oktar's July 2016 Media Publications
A life dedicated to earning God's approval... ADNAN OKTAR
Mr. Adnan Oktar's February 2017 Media Publications
Will be djinn and angels be visible to people in paradise?
Everything is conscious in paradise even objects
Marriage in paradise
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with Knesset political adviser Prof. Avraham Diskin on A9 TV (3 January 2012)
Will Christians or Jews be able to enter paradise?