The sighting of a comet is one of the portents of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (a.s)
The golden ratio in dna
Prof. Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Iranian University Professor of Islamic Studies at George Washington University
The Day of Judgment
The assignee of Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi, Sheikh Ahmet Yasin's comments about Mr. Adnan Oktar
Miracles of the Qur'an - 1
Cuttle fish
The Big Bang
Lee Man Hee, Chairman and President of HWPL Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
Montel Williams says that Americans need to know Islam better
Erna Hennicot-Schoepges, Former President of the Parliament of Luxembourg, Former Minister of Culture and Education, Former Member of the European Parliament
Naseer A. Akhtar, Businessman, Pakistan
Mohamed Jinna, Chairman of United World Halal Development, Singapore
Istanbul Tour with Our Guests
The sense of smell in animals
Rabbi Mr. Mordékhai Chriqui is reading from the Torah
Mr. Sali Berisha, Former President & Prime Minister of the Republic Albania
Ottoman Sultans' Love for The Prophet Muhammad (saas)
The occurrence of great and astonishing
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts’s Lecture During the 2nd Intl Conf on the Origin of Life and the Universe (21.05.2017-Ritz Carlton)
Prophet Yusuf's (pbuh) escape from the well
Dr. Paolo Cioni comments on Freud's claim on the origin of faith
Living Fossils Refute Evolution 4
Adnan Oktar and Rabbi Yehuda Glick on live TV show (December 3, 2009)
Development of the child's brain