The role of propaganda in the Holocaust
Darwinism Debunked through Christian-Muslim Alliance
The Jewish Holocaust
Who Has the Right to Live in the Land of Milk and Honey?
July 08 2018, 11:28
July 06 2018, 09:09
June 18 2018, 13:43
June 16 2018, 22:43
June 16 2018, 18:08
June 15 2018, 22:59
June 15 2018, 22:43
June 15 2018, 22:39
We will insha’Allah put an end to this fight between Israel and Palestine. We want these two peoples both of which are from the lines of Prophets to live together as brothers. The one who martyrs an innocent Palestinian and the one who martyrs an innocent Jew are both persecutors. We are against all kinds of persecution. We want our dear Palestinian brothers and sisters to live in peace and safety. We want the Jewish people all of which are the children of the Prophet Moses who are in our safekeeping to live in safety everywhere. By the Will of God this beautiful peaceful environment would be attained in the time of the Mahdi.
Their knowledge about many issues is wrong. God does not curse a nation as a whole. If you claim that a newborn would also be cursed just because he is born a Jewish you would not be acting in line with the Qur’an. The child of an atheist mother and an atheist father would be innocent as well. Children are innocent. God curses the irreligious, faithless, cruel Jews, cruel idolaters, cruel hypocrites. They never mention the fact that God curses the idolaters. In many verses of the Qur’an, God talks about faithful Jews. He says not all of the People of the Book are the same. It is not in compliance with Islam to declare the whole of a nation as cursed. That is a pagan belief reminiscent from the period of the idolaters. Real Muslims differentiate the cruel ones from the aggrieved ones and protect those who are aggrieved.
Jews and Christians in Turkey are our own people. We love them and all Jewish and Christian people very much.
According to Islam, the places of worship of all religions are sacred and untouchable. Jews and Christians are the People of the Book; they are entrusted to us.
It is a requisite of Muslim morality to approach Christians and Jews with compassion. They have been loyal to Prophets for thousands of years.
Armenians, Greeks, Jews, they are all our brothers. They are all the adornments of Turkey and they are all very precious.
December 02 2011, 12:23