Science Has Once Again Declared: ‘We Were Created’
An answer to the 'Alesi' Hoax put forward by evolutionist publications such as New Scientist and Nature
Mr. Adnan Oktar's Response to Mr. Franz Magnis-Suseno
Allah’s Different Forms of Creation
Prof. Robert Davis, from Glasgow University, warned that the Scottish curriculum is “under pressure” of atheists like Richard Dawkins
The Cambrian period suffices for the refutal of the theory of evolution
July 08 2018, 08:10
July 08 2018, 08:06
July 02 2018, 09:28
June 18 2018, 12:52
June 18 2018, 12:50
June 15 2018, 08:46
June 15 2018, 08:31
June 15 2018, 04:41
Accepting the concept of evolution means accepting that everything came into existence as a result of coincidences. Darwinists claim that everything happened as a result of coincidences. Those who claim that the concept of evolution exists in the Qur’an say that God created those coincidences. It is apparent that is is actually what the Darwinists want to hear. God says that He created everything with His command ‘Be’. There is no mention of an evolutionary process in the Qur’an. Those who try to reconciliate Islam with the theory of evolution do not talk about the realm of spirits that existed before time and space was created. Humans did not come into being gradually. Everyone who has ever been created had already existed in the realm of spirits. They have all come into existence in an instance as a result of Creation by God.
God creates everything for a reason. There is a goal behind the creation of man as well. People with profundity and rationality understand that. But some people are cruel, ignorant and ungrateful; they are dead beings. Being alive and not knowing God, not understanding God is not possible.
Those who use their brain at its full capacity and think deeply realize that God exits and Creation is a fact.
In Darwinist education, it is claimed that the universe was created by happenstance. This is an outright denial of God. We need to put an immediate end to Darwinist education.
Molecules can recognize failures in the cells, then find and notify the related departments which would then carry out the necessary repairs. Claiming that this system, which consists of amazingly complex details, could come into existence as a result of mere coincidences is a logical fallacy.
God creates everything every single moment. There is a higher understanding and goodness for believers in everything that happens.
May 30 2018, 16:19
October 26 2017, 19:01