There is the bigoted system of the left wing. They advocate the ideas of 150 years ago. And there is the traditionalist Orthodox system. Both of them regard women as –allegedly- underdeveloped beings and neither of them attaches any importance on women. People are torn between those two loveless systems. And that brings about an exponential collapse. Since we are carrying out an intellectual struggle against both of them and are draining the swamp, they come down us with all their means. They have resorted to unlawful means for many times yet our intellectual struggle continued under all circumstances. It will also increase exponentially from now on as well. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
There is the bigoted system of the left wing. They advocate the ideas of 150 years ago. And there is the traditionalist Orthodox system. Both of them regard women as –allegedly- underdeveloped beings and neither of them attaches any importance on women. People are torn between those two loveless systems. And that brings about an exponential collapse. Since we are carrying out an intellectual struggle against both of them and are draining the swamp, they come down us with all their means. They have resorted to unlawful means for many times yet our intellectual struggle continued under all circumstances. It will also increase exponentially from now on as well.
It is not possible to solve problems among friends other than forming an alliance in the Qur’an. Everyone might have a different understanding. But if an alliance is formed in the Qur’an, the path would be straight and right, conflicts would be solved.
(A9 TV; January 25th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
There wouldn’t be a trial without the hypocrites. At the time of our Prophet, it was the hypocrites who incited idolaters against Muslims. Their existence becomes instrumental in the increase of worth of the good deed attained. There wouldn’t be a trial without the hypocrites. At the time of our Prophet it was the hypocrites who incited idolaters against Muslims. Their existence becomes instrumental in the increase of the worth of the good deed attained. Hypocrites bring fervor and excitement to the lives of the Muslims and become instrumental for a strong and sincere intellectual struggle. Hypocrites are useful for Muslims both in this world and in the Hereafter.
(A9 TV; January 25th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
A loving expression cannot be formed on the face of a person who has frozen his mind. Such a person regards love as gullibility. They imagine that grievance, hatred and insincerity means vigilance. Inside the swamp they are, they do not even understand that their lives pass by groveling. Regarding love as gullibility is a grave turpitude.
(A9 TV; January 25th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
The ideal of the Turkish nation is to ensure the rule of the Islamic morality throughout the world. It is not based on racial concepts. It is another way of verbalizing the system of the Mahdi . The result attained at the end of the scientific struggle given until the religion is God’s alone and dissension is removed from the surface of this word, meaning the rule of the loving morality God wants throughout the world is known as the ideal of the Turkish nation.
(A9 TV; January 25th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
A great majority of people does not know love. They only know the imitation of love. They mention it in movies, in poems, in books but they do not know real love. In fact love is the real purpose of the world. Love is the reason for the existence of our 5 senses. 5 senses have been created to serve love. Without love, life turns into hell.
(A9 TV; January 25th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Darwinism lies at the root of Marxist, Leninist, communist ideology. It is not possible to put an end to communist terror in the real sense without explaining the invalidity of Darwinism. Darwinism is the main issue. Scientific struggle against Darwinism is the most crucial issue.
(A9 TV; January 25th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
As the characteristic of Turkish nation, Turkish army is very compassionate. Our soldiers come from Anatolia, their mothers are religious, fathers are religious, radiant people of Anatolia. They do not even step on an ant if they see one. When they go to do their service, they behave compassionately there as well. Since high ranking officers also come from same moral background, this beautiful morality is preserved from generation to generation inside the army.
(A9 TV; January 25th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Iranian are immaculately pure, honest and trustworthy people. Iranians are very dear friends of ours, we will always love them and will always support them. There is a bigoted section in Iran, just as there is in Turkey. Yet this is not valid for the all Iranians, only a small section. To struggle against bigotry, intellectual and progressive statesmen should form an alliance. With love and compassion, we can stop this by putting an end to Darwinist-materialist education with rational evidence. Iran and Turkey are friends no one can change this.
(A9 TV; January 25th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Our support for our President Mr. Erdoğan is unconditional. It is for the good pleasure of God. We only look to see if a person is searching for the good pleasure of God, if he is striving to establish the Islamic unity. It is obvious that our President Mr. Erdoğan is an honest person, his efforts for the Islamic unity is out in the open. You can devise whatever plot you want and make whichever plan you want, we will go on advocating what we know is right for the good pleasure of God.
(A9 TV; January 25th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Youngsters want to be free. The children of the families that are known to be conservative want to live vivaciously, comfortably and free as well. That request for freedom is in compliance with the Qur’an. The number of people who have a bigoted mindset is very few in Turkey yet they imagine themselves as a relentless force. Youngsters want to be free. The children of the families that are known to be conservative want to live vivaciously, comfortably and free as well. That request for freedom is in compliance with the Qur’an. God is the One Who wants His servants to live free. The number of people who have a bigoted mindset is very few in Turkey but they imagine themselves as a relentless force. In fact their impact is very weak. They present the smallest spec of sand they find on the floor, as the Mount Everest, mocking the intelligence of our public, so to speak.
(A9 TV; January 25th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
There is a movement ‘dividing the public into two’ that is going on ever since the first years of the Republic and that is not voiced openly most of the time. On one side there is Ataturkist, enlightened party that loves paintings, music, dancing, statues, arts and that is full of life. On the other side there is this introverted party that does not like Ataturk, that takes no pleasure from music, paintings and arts, that are against having fun and being joyous. That is an unnamed disintegration that has long been going on in Turkey and both parties somehow feel rage for one another and cannot reconcile. Generally that disintegration is presented as the pretext for coups. That has always been the case in 1960’s, in 1971 and in 1980. This can clearly be seen when the anatomy of the coups is studied. We became a target because we have an understanding that extinguishes this division. With our narrations we clear away the rage both sides feel for one another and make it possible for the lives of these two parties combine with one. We demonstrate the fact that there is no reason to keep a distance between those enlightened Ataturkists who like culture, arts and paintings, and religious people. With our existence as an enlightened, modern, joyous, vivacious group of friends who love arts, music and beauty, who attach great importance to quality, who are loyal to the Qur’an, who practice the sunnah that are in compliance with the Qur’an, we are abating a very important dissension. We reconcile these two sides and demonstrate that the rage both parties feel for one another is baseless. We thereby provide a very important service regarding the unity of our people and our homeland. Most people may not be aware of this fact but the British deep state is and that is why they are trying to give us a hard time with all their might.
(A9 TV; January 25th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Isolating the leader as a tactic is an ugly plot used since the times of the Ottomans. They are trying to employ the same plot against our President Mr. Erdoğan for a while. They are trying to avert those who efficiently advocate our President and government both inland and abroad. The same method was employed against Abdulhamit, Abdulaziz and Menderes as well. And now they are trying to create the image which insinuates ‘see that none of those who advocate Erdoğan are safe, be careful.’ On the other hand they are aiming to portray our President as a stern personality who –may God forbid- doesn’t recognize the superiority of laws and the legal system, who has everyone taken into custody. That is the basic method employed by the British deep state and their pawns, FETÖ being in the first place. Especially in recent years it appears that there is a special structure organizing this plot. Being the sycophants of the British deep state and wannabes who do not like the values of our people, who look down on them and claiming to step up in the name of our people is the common characteristic of such people. We, as a nation, are aware of all these plots and with laws and the legal system we will never ever let them achieve their goals. We stand by our President Mr. Erdoğan and will never leave him alone.
(A9 TV; January 25th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
We congratulate the gallant, valiant spouse of our martyr. All of the children of our homeland are gallant and valiant. As a nation, we regard martyrdom as an honor and want martyrdom from God. Our land, our flag, our state is our honor.
(A9 TV; January 25th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
There are those who try to create the false image to insinuate that there is no freedom of speech in Turkey. Some of those people are trying to create pressure on people by using the name of our President Mr. Tayyip Erdoğan. Our President gave the best response to those people and said; ‘no one should dare to use my name.” In spite of all such attempts we will insha’Allah always stand by our President in 2019, and in 2023, and in 2044, with God’s help.
(A9 TV; January 24th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Darwinism is the religion of the PKK. But many other circles do not mention this superstitious religion of the PKK because they are Darwinists as well. Darwinism is the reason why the PKK is a Marxist, Leninist, communist organization. Darwinism is a pagan religion that is reminiscent of the ancient ages. The PKK also has this superstitious religion.
(A9 TV; January 24th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Thinking about the Creator of this image on the screen that one is not able to leave is the priority. The fact that there is one who sees and perceives this image is the obvious proof of God’s Existence. The purpose of one’s existence in this world is to think about God’s Existence, Oneness and love. Thinking about the Creator of this image on the screen that one is not able to leave is the priority. We have no intervention on the image we see on this screen. The One Who makes us watch this neat image with perfect details can put an end to this image in a moment if He wills so. The fact that there is one who sees and perceives this image is the obvious proof of God’s Existence. The purpose of one’s existence in this world is to think about God’s Existence, Oneness and love.
(A9 TV; January 24th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
We want wealth from God to serve Islam. We want beautiful houses so that Muslims can come and relish, so that they live joyously. We want beautiful tables to host Muslims in the best way. The good pleasure of God is our only expectation regarding this world.
(A9 TV; January 24th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
One needs to pray to God for love saying; ‘My Lord I do love you very much, grant me the blessing of loving You with the most profound faith. Save me from egoism and grant me the blessing of living for You. My Lord make me loved by others and let me meet people worthy of loving. “
(A9 TV; January 24th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Turkey does not want Kurdish people to be oppressed. Turkey does not want our Kurdish brother to be persecuted under Stalinist oppression. That is why she undertakes the mission of protecting both Kurds and all other nations of the region making great sacrifices.
(A9 TV; January 24th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Instead of the bigoted understanding, Ataturk brought a perfect understanding of Islam to Turkey. He had divinity schools established, Directorate of Religious Affairs founded, had Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır prepare a commentary of the Qur’an and had 100 thousands of copies of the Qur’an in Turkish distributed to the Turkish people.