Spirituality is the greatest problem of Turkey, it is spiritual development. The important step to take to ensure this is annihilating Darwinism and materialism through science and knowledge and explaining the miracles of the Qur'an and the facts leading to faith; this is the whole issue. Other than that, Turkey is already a developing country. What Turkey needs is a revolution of the mind, a revolution of the soul.
(A9 TV; August 17th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
As we crushed Darwinism worldwide with science and knowledge, Muslims gained a stronger hand all over. Muslims are now able to walk around proudly. The left wing, on the other hand, hang their heads down.
(A9 TV; August 16th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
God is the "Light" upon the whole universe. Light is the most beautiful thing to see, the most refreshing beauty, the most relishing relief the human mind could ever perceive.
(A9 TV; August 16th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
A person cannot have quality if he doesn't like his own culture. If he only likes foreign cultures, that would mean unmannerliness. That is the manner of a wanna-be. If you are unable to realize the beauty, depth and richness of your own culture, if you are unable to feel that quality and are unable to present it with quality, that means you are a wanna -be.
(A9 TV; August 15th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
There is no sense of aesthetics and quality in a radical; he wouldn't understand those concepts anyway. A beautiful painting wouldn't have any impact on him, a beautiful statue, a beautiful melody wouldn't have any impact on him. This is not valid for all of them of course, but for a great many of them.
(A9 TV; August 15th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Radicalism is at one with lovelessness. There is no compassion, no love, no mercy in radicalism. There is jealousy, there is envy, there is rage, self-centeredness and conceit, there is a feeling of haughtiness in radicalism.
(A9 TV; August 15th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The CHP (Republican People Party) should start a strong initiative against radicalism. Radicalism can only be annihilated through piety. It is not possible to remove radicalism with irreligiousness, with materialism and leftism. Religion would always be victorious and sweep over radicalism.
(A9 TV; August 15th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The mindset that demands one to kill in order to live is very egotistical and cruel. There is no meaning to such a life; it is better not to live under such circumstances. If you are to live crudely and egotistically like that, you'd better not. Life is only meaningful if you are living as a human being, if you live as a Muslim. Conducting a crude life is not acceptable.
(A9 TV; August 14th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
An intellectual, progressive CHP (Republican People's Party) that defends the modern understanding of Islam. A CHP that defends the Islamic Union. That is a convenience, a beauty that could be attained. This is the beautiful formula that would save the CHP. Islamic Union, a modern Islam. If these two prevail in the CHP, the CHP will become the leading party in a heartbeat.
(A9 TV; August 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Turkey will grow, it will become Turan! There will be a Great Islamic Union. This is what they mean by "The Red Apple"; the best of apples has been distributed to Turkey right now.
(A9 TV; August 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Our people don't want to be glowered at. They want to be respected, loved and shown compassion; they would side with those who show them love and compassion. People would be scared of those who smart -mouth them, they would be uneasy around such people. They would be on pins and needles around those who look down on them.
(A9 TV; August 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The CHP should place the modern understanding of Islam at the forefront; that is because the Islamic Union was the ideal of the late Ataturk. To attain a good result they should talk about the Islamic Union, they should bring forth Ataturk's modern understanding of Islam.
(A9 TV; August 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Money is not an essential condition for quality; intelligence and taste is.