Hopefulness in the Quran
Miracles of the Quran
Quran Denies Darwinism
Woman in the Quran
Guests of Adnan Oktar
Reptile Fossils
China must end its genocide of muslim Uyghur Turks and declare the whereabouts of the Uyghur Turks who have been forcbly taken away
The creation of the camel
Call for Unity
For - Children
Technology in nature - The miracle of creation in elephants
The Miracle in the Cell
The disasters Darwinism brought to humanity
Every moment every second
Design in polar bears
Islam Denounces Terrorism
The Solution to the Kirkuk Problem is the Turkish-Islamic Union
Evolution International
The Turkish-Islamic Union, now and without delay, through a courageous, determined, honest, compassionate and loving approach
The Turkish-Islamic Union under Turkish Leadership and Supported by the Turkic Union
Death Resurrection Hell
The Miracle in the Atom