Creation of man
The miracle in the leafcutter ant
Evolution Tale
The Prophet Muhammad
China must end its genocide of muslim Uyghur Turks and declare the whereabouts of the Uyghur Turks who have been forcbly taken away
The disasters Darwinism brought to humanity
Darwinism - Watch
The miracle of the ant
Honorable Quran
Deep thinking
Miracles of the Quran
The Turkish-Islamic Union, now and without delay, through a courageous, determined, honest, compassionate and loving approach
The Myth of Homology & Darwin
The False World
Reptile Fossils
Communist China is spreading terror
Darwinists' Dilemma: The Soul
The amazing journey of the salmon
Serving Islam
Living - Fossils
Technology in nature - The miracle of creation in elephants
The Turkish-Islamic Union is a must for the cruelty, repression, and violence to come to an end
Creation of Man
Turkey and Azerbaijan Must Unite as Two States, One Nation
Islam Denounces Terrorism