Women are very gentile and kind beings. There are carnations in the gardens and they need to be looked after very meticulously. Or else they would die away instantly. That is the same with women, you need to pay attention to everything about them. For them to be spiritually and physically perfect they should be looked after even more meticulously than the flowers.
Women are sweet beings; they are very very beautiful beings. Women are the greatest blessings of this world. They are the greatest blessing the eyes can see. Freedom is very crucial for their happiness. They should be valued, they should be respected, protected and watched over.
(A9 TV; October 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
If we were to say; "Why are you adorned like this? Why are you colored? Why are you full of colors? Why do you smell beautiful like this?" to the flowers, would that be logical? That shouldn't be asked to a woman either. "Why are you beautiful like this?" Do you want them to be ugly? Of course they will be beautiful.
(A9 TV; October 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Women like low neck dresses. They like to see their beauty appreciated. They like being well groomed. They are the adornments of this world.
(A9 TV; October 14th, 2013)
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Turkey will always go towards better. Turkey will grow, will form Turan and embrace the whole Islamic world. A Great Turkish Islamic Union, a great Islamic Union will be established.
(A9 TV; October 14th, 2013)
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(A9 TV; October 12th, 2013)
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(A9 TV; October 12th, 2013)
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(A9 TV; October 12th, 2013)
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(A9 TV; October 12th, 2013)
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(A9 TV; October 12th, 2013)
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(A9 TV; October 12th, 2013)
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(A9 TV; October 12th, 2013)
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(A9 TV; October 12th, 2013)
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(A9 TV; October 12th, 2013)
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(A9 TV; October 12th, 2013)
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God knows what to do. Do not attempt to teach mercy to God, may God forbid. God is the One Who teaches you what mercy is. God is the One Who teaches you what compassion is. You wouldn't have known mercy or compassion if God hadn't taught you about those anyway. God teaches you all those and you attempt to make comments about God - may God forbid- with what God shows you. God is the One Who shows you everything, second by second.
(A9 TV; October 11th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
They make a great fuss if ladies open their hair or their arms somehow. And they say that it is because they are attractive… If a person has ill-intentions, if a person is sick in mind, if there is a deviation in one's soul, if he does not have the will-power; it wouldn't matter for that person anyway. It wouldn't matter if it is a child or a woman or a man he is looking at. That is a matter of faith, a matter of belief, a matter of character.
(A9 TV; October 11th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Women want to live freely. It is very important to emphasize that they would not be oppressed. That is because men are completely free everywhere in the world. No one ever interferes with their business.
(A9 TV; October 11th, 2013)
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Fatih Terim is a person who is known with his conservative, spiritual, nationalist personality. He should keep his heart at ease, he will come to even higher places insha'Allah and he will be very much appreciated.
(A9 TV; October 10th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
They cannot attain anything with jealousy. As they feel jealous, God increases His blessings upon Muslims even more. And He takes away the blessings those jealous ones have.. He makes them even more scrunched, more scorched as time passes. They become even more introverted, they feel depressed, they turn into loveless, compassionless, affectionless, heartless sick people with no profundity, may God forbid.
(A9 TV; October 10th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
God bestows bad-tempered, grumpy, snappish people whom everyone hates upon those people with darkened hearts. And He bestows loving, radiant people whose hearts are full of love and compassion to Muslims, to people with beautiful manners, to people who love others. That is how it is in this world and that is how it will be in the Heaven.