
Adnan Oktar

Women are the most beautiful embellishment of this world, there is nothing more beautiful than they are and there is no other blessing greater than them. God created them very, very beautifully, He created them to be very kind and to be very beautiful mannered; they are created as blessings.
A9 TV; October 13th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

If women are oppressed and persecuted, that country would certainly collapse: That would offend God. God would destroy the country in which His servants are persecuted.
A9 TV; October 13th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

When the one you preach religion to does not come to faith, your rank will advance even further. If he is less excited than you are, your rank will advance even further. You have nothing to lose.
A9 TV; October 13th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Muslims are brothers. God says, "Muslims are each other's protecting friends." Let us create a system in which all Muslims would love one another. They are all brothers. Look, God says “'s protecting friends," meaning they are each other's protectors. They take care of one another, they help each other, they take care of each other when they are ill, they take care of everything about each other. I mean, they take care of each other like they would take care of a child.
A9 TV; October 11th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

No matter whose, every funeral should be respected. There should be no humiliation in any funeral; once one is dead, once his soul is gone and there is only flesh and bone behind to decompose, it should be respected regardless of who it belongs to.
A9 TV; October 11th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The love of God brings relief to people. If the love of God is explained in a country day in and day out, there will be abundance and plenty in that country and their lives would be like Heaven. Otherwise they would all be distressed.
A9 TV; October 11th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Misogynism is atrocious, you should forget about it. Women are the most beautiful beings that embellish the world. Without women, the world would be overcast, it would be pitch black. Woman is the sun of the world; they are the light of this world.
A9 TV; October 11th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

This is the classic method of the PKK and they bomb their own supporters and cause public indignation. In this way they try to draw people to their side. During this time of terror and violence, they say, "Look, as you can see, the fascists are bombing you, they are oppressing you. That means the only solution is war. You should go up the mountains and take up arms." This is the image the PKK is trying to create.
A9 TV; October 11th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Muslims are always in a good mood. What does sorrow mean? May God forbid, it means, "I do not like what God has created for me." We see the goodness in everything God creates. We see the goodness in it when we have a martyr; we do not get sad, we do not mourn. Mourning is a custom of the pagans, it is the tradition of the idolaters.
A9 TV; October 11th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Life is beautiful for Muslims. For unbelievers life is always distressful, painful and restricted. A Muslim is always thankful; even if he eats dry bread, he thanks God for it.
A9 TV; October 11th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Life is beautiful for Muslims. For unbelievers life is always distressful, painful and restricted. A Muslim is always thankful; even if he eats dry bread, he thanks God for it.
A9 TV; October 11th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

God creates angels, but they are made to love Him. God commands man to love Him without seeing Him. "There will be unbelievers, there will be hypocrites, there will be irreligious people. You will suffer, you will patiently endure difficulties and you will love Me with a profound love. Then I will love you very much," God says. God loves the angels, but they are incomparable with man.
A9 TV; October 5th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Almighty God says, “I want to see your love for Me.” God wants to have people who He loves and He wants there to be those who love Him. God has everything. He is Omnipotent and He wants to have people who love Him.
A9 TV; October 5th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

God gives you a three dimensional image and you view it inside your brain; He gives you the ability to smell beautiful scents so that you smell them; He gives you the ability of tasting so that you find pleasure in those tastes; He gives you the sense of touch so that you touch, you swim in the sea, you go boating, you enjoy the world to the utmost; but when it comes to the Creator, you say, "I do not want to be the object of this." God would then plague you. This world is not a place of entertainment.
A9 TV; October 5th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Ours is the world of trial. The important thing is to make Islam prevail in the world. The rest is not at all important. Once Islam prevails in the world, everyone would be at ease, everything you have would be under guarantee. If Islam does not prevail in the world, it would turn into a living hell.
A9 TV; October 5th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Building a third bridge or a fourth bridge is not our problem. You might build bridges, but your enemy could still come and confiscate all your bridges, take away everything from you. You might work for 40 years yet they could come and seize everything you own. That is why the real danger that should be addressed is the danger of separation.
A9 TV; October 5th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Turkey is the bastion of Islamic Unity. That is why she needs to have a very severe reaction to anything that would give the green light to the separation of Turkey. Ensuring the integrity of the people is very important.
A9 TV; October 5th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The hadiths that do not conflict with the Qur'an are authentic. Every hadith that complies with the Qur'an is authentic. For instance, if our Prophet (saas) foretells an incident that will take place in the End Times, the hadith that tells us about that incident is authentic and valid.
A9 TV; October 3rd, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) has come. The Prophet Jesus Messiah (pbuh) has come, but has not yet become apparent. Almighty God is preparing their time of appearance, their time of becoming apparent. The events will reach inconceivable dimensions. Right now we are at a phase of the system of the Mahdi; I mean events will escalate to inconceivable dimensions in Syria, in Iraq, in the whole region. They will escalate immensely and much bigger incidents will take place. And after that, Almighty God will make His Mahdi apparent.
A9 TV; October 3rd, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a man of love, mercy, compassion, wisdom, friendship, beauty and aesthetics. Europe will accept him, the US will accept him, whole world freemasonry will lovingly accept him, all the Templars, the Rosicrucian Fellowship and all the deep state organizations will accept him. That is why Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will be the imam of the world.
A9 TV; October 3rd, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Struggling against the PKK is an individual duty for every Muslim. It is a religious obligation for Muslims to wipe out unbelief from the face of this world. Struggling against the antichrist is an individual duty on every Muslim. No one should ever say, "It is none of my business." This is the individual duty of everyone. Of course, our way in that is the way of knowledge and education.
A9 TV; October 3rd, 2015