When we say that we are Turkish as a whole, we realize that we have a great state and that we are a great nation. Then no one can bully us and we would be comfortable. But if we get divide into pieces, we would be an easy bite. Let us become one and whole, let us be strong. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
When we say that we are Turkish as a whole, we realize that we have a great state and that we are a great nation. Then no one can bully us and we would be comfortable. But if we get divide into pieces, we would be an easy bite. Let us become one and whole, let us be strong.
In order to increase a Muslim's enthusiasm Allah might make him err in his actions. In this way that person might become more devoted, more painstaking, more faithful.
(A9 TV; January 10th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Prophets do not look like common people, they have a very sensational grandeur and radiance. Our Prophet (saas) has had an amazing grandeur. Sometimes people could not look at his face because of his radiance. Their tongues were muted. In order to decrease the heaviness of this grandeur and to set people at ease, our Prophet (saas) used to make jokes.
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Internet usage should be limitless for everyone. Applying quota on knowledge is not acceptable.
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
The quota applied on internet usage should be removed. The door to knowledge should not be closed.
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
By teaching Darwinism to students in the textbooks used by the state, it is being said [May Allah forbid] "Allah does not exist." That brings about inauspiciousness and exiguousness. It is very important to give scientific response to Darwinism in the textbooks.
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)'s pen will be his staff just like the staff of the Prophet Moses (pbuh).
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Just like the Prophet Moses (pbuh) parting the sea, Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will part the sea of science with his pen.
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
1400 years ago Our Prophet (saas) has reported that an embargo will be put on Iraq and Syria.
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
According to what has been stated in the hadiths Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will spiritually conquer the cities of irreligiousness.
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
According to what has been stated in the hadiths Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is the one all things would be facilitated for.
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Companions asked our Prophet (saas) to talk about the Mahdi (pbuh) all the time and asked him questions about the Mahdi.
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
In a hadith, Our Prophet refers to Mahdi as the "Master of religion."
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
According to what has been stated in the hadiths, Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is given a perfect wit by Allah.
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Our Prophet (saas) has decreed; "Mahdi has devoted himself to the Qur'an."
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
As stated in the hadiths Allah has clothed Mahdi with wisdom.
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
As stated in the hadiths during the rule of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), wisdom will be distributed among people.
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
As stated in the hadiths, with Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) this world will be enlightened with the divine enlightenment of Allah.
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
As stated in the hadiths, Paradise is for those who love Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), those who believe in him and who meet him.
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
As this is our homeland, we are the ones entitled to decide; we do not want separation.
(A9 TV; January 14th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Our martyrs have submitted their lives to Allah for this homeland. No one can dare to bring us an offer for separation.