When a young girl lives her life with profound faith, love and radiance, when she is brought up with a healthy, sound and reasonable upbringing, she becomes very lively and very beautiful. But that is not what they do. They say, “what happens if I become faithless?” That kills them spiritually. And when they die spiritually, they die physically as well. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
When a young girl lives her life with profound faith, love and radiance, when she is brought up with a healthy, sound and reasonable upbringing, she becomes very lively and very beautiful. But that is not what they do. They say, “what happens if I become faithless?” That kills them spiritually. And when they die spiritually, they die physically as well.
Girls are like flowers. It is not possible for a young girl to remain healthy without faith. That is because humans are weak. They can only remain spiritually healthy with faith; once they lose their faith they become ill and many of them become inclined to commit suicide. They constantly have suicidal thoughts. They go and smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and do whatever it takes to ruin themselves.
(A9 TV; December 14th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Both for men and for women, being spiritually and physically strong is connected with their purity and faith. What happens when you cut off the water of a flower? It would be scorched and ruined under the sun. That is the same with women and men. When they lose their faith, when they lose their honor, they would be ruined.
(A9 TV; December 14th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Banning ladies having fun is like uprooting an essential beauty out of this world. Women are the most important ornaments of the world. If women have fun, if they are happy, if they are cheerful, if they are able to show their beauty, it would be great.
(A9 TV; December 14th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
May God give goodness to all of us, to all our people. May He give us peace, brotherhood, tranquility, ease, contentment and exhilaration. May God protect us from dissension, may God not set brothers against brothers. May our Lord settle the disputes among brothers and give Muslims the spirit of friendship, brotherhood and love. May God protect them from self-centeredness, arrogance, haughtiness and from greed for rank and position.
(A9 TV; December 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Time is passing by. It constantly brings us towards the end of our lives. Death is coming towards us and we are going towards our death. There is a meeting point and we are going towards that point.
(A9 TV; December 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
I see a different kind of moral superiority in my Kurdish brothers. They have a unique beauty. This moral virtue that prevails in Anatolia manifests very beautifully on them.
(A9 TV; December 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
There is no Absolute Being other than God.
(A9 TV; December 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
If you approach people egotistically, love would not be formed anyway; egoism, selfishness are the enemies of love. If one stops being an egoist and selfish God would open the way for him. If you behave egotistically and selfishly God would deem you unsuccessful.
(A9 TV; December 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Passport and visa requirements should be abolished, both for Armenia and for Azerbaijan on the same day.
(A9 TV; December 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Those who love God, those who love people are gathering rapidly and they are the real force in the world. Love and peace will prevail in the world once they come together and unite.
(A9 TV; December 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
There is an atrocity and a lack of love in the world. People do not love each other in a truly astonishing manner. Those who love people, those who love God will clear away this scourge.
(A9 TV; December 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
It is religiously unlawful for two Muslim groups, two groups on the right path, to struggle against each other. It is a religious obligation for all Muslims to try and reconcile them, it is an obligation upon all Muslims. I mean that is not something left to their discretion but a religious obligation upon all of them. They should strive to reconcile them by all means.
(A9 TV; December 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
General Amnesty is murder beyond murder. If a person has shot a soldier or a police officer, if he martyred our police and if the number of those martyred is above ten thousand, if he mutilated tens of thousands and if you provide the means to deem that lawful, it would mean that you are a million times more treacherous and more perfidious than the PKK.
(A9 TV; December 12th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Abdullah Öcalan says, “I used to believe in God but I have been given a Darwinist education and then I denied the existence of God and became an atheist.” The Middle East is ruined because of Darwinist, materialist education, the Ottomans collapsed because of that. And this mistake still goes on.
(A9 TV; December 12th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Youngsters are given a Darwinist, materialist education in schools. They are thus losing their faith. This desperate situation should be made right. For instance, the PKK militants are also given a Darwinist, materialistic education in schools and they go astray afterwards.
(A9 TV; December 12th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Rumors saying that “the state will pardon the PKK, they will release Abdullah Öcalan and give autonomy to the region,” are actually insults to the government. The government should take precautions against these insults. They should not allow such insults. These are such humiliating insults. This is something that even the antichrist would not accept.
(A9 TV; December 12th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
If someone steps up and – may God forbid- says, “The PKK should be forgiven.” The meaning of that would clearly be: “What they did was normal, it is normal to shoot soldiers and it is okay to shoot police officers, of course they should be martyred –may God forbid- well done to those who did that!” Such a person would be millions of times more wicked, millions of times more treacherous and more perfidious. The PKK would be “clean” when compared to those. Such a person would then be the wickedest, most treacherous person in the world.
(A9 TV; December 12th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The PKK is a mafia like group, but it is the bloodiest mafia like group in the whole world. It is a group that has treacherously martyred our soldiers and police officers, that has martyred ten thousands of our lions in a terroristic environment.
(A9 TV; December 12th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Pardoning murder and those who shot our soldiers and police officers, making their pardoning a lawful, legitimate issue would come to mean encouraging murder. It would mean completely disregarding our martyred soldiers and police officers. That would mean the gravest insult for the families of martyrs. Those who do that would be the most despicable ones.
(A9 TV; December 12th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
It is a grave immorality to pardon those murderers who kill soldiers and police officers. Those who do that would be atrociously immoral.