We should not be deceived by plots and be cautious against provocation. If we form Islamic Union right now, all these plots will collapse from the base. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
We should not be deceived by plots and be cautious against provocation. If we form Islamic Union right now, all these plots will collapse from the base.
Kurd means a pure, immaculate Muslim, a noble believing person. Kurds are precious for us; we hold them in high esteem. No one can harm a single strand of Kurds’ hair.
(A9 TV; December 17th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The British Deep State is used to setting people against each other in Middle East. They are foolishly assuming they can do so in Turkey also.
(A9 TV; December 17th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The British Deep State is trying to make Turks and Kurds fight is a foolish provocation. It is just one of the foolish moves of hypocrites.
(A9 TV; December 17th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Kurds and Turks have been living as brothers on this land for thousands of years. We all have both Kurdish and Turkish blood in our veins.
(A9 TV; December 17th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
In the past, the British Deep State was manipulating the Middle East as it desired. The time for its provoking the people with its lies is over.
(A9 TV; December 17th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Iran is fed up with British Shiism. The British Deep State wants to make Shia and Sunni fight each other by using British Shiism.
(A9 TV; December 17th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The majority of modern-day intelligence organizations are founded and being led by the British Deep State. The CIA and MI6 were founded by the British Deep State taking British Special Operations Executive (SOE) as a model.
(A9 TV; December 17th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
All the events in the world progress in favor of the Mahdi movement. No incident would come about that the movement of the Mahdi does not want.
(A9 TV; December 17th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
There might be temporary good progress in hypocrites; this should not make us heedless. They are very rancorous and immoral; they make sudden attacks. A normal person would not think of making series of corrupt behaviors in a row, but hypocrites make series of depraved acts one after the other under satan’s influence.
(A9 TV; December 17th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Hypocrites develop like bacteria, that is, why it is important for them to approach celebrities and try to be one.
(A9 TV; December 17th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Hypocrites are very lazy; they want to sit around indolently while making Muslims work. This way they take up Muslims’ time and make continuous demands.
(A9 TV; December 17th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Hypocrites want to do evil all the time. They look for ways to do evil and give harm. They struggle to give harm, even if not much.
(A9 TV; December 17th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Hypocrites feel strong hatred against Muslims. It is so severe that their hatred overflows from their mouths. They fail to hide it.
(A9 TV; December 17th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Hypocrites’ nerves are very tense; they are like uncontrolled cars. They make unpredictable moves all of a sudden.
(A9 TV; December 17th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Hypocrites have severe inferiority complexes. For this reason they want to exalt themselves by bringing forward the deficient sides of other people.
(A9 TV; December 17th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Satan knows every weak point of all people; that is why he is a master in how to use hypocrites.
(A9 TV; December 17th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Terrorists need motivation. Refuting their ideology will demoralize and dispirit them. Bombing, on the other hand, will make them more vengeful. Terrorists are set on killing. But if you show them that their ideas are wrong with anti-Darwinist, anti-materialist education, they’ll lose their spirit.
(A9 TV; December 16th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The British Deep State tries to create the wrong image that Muslims are violent and that the Shia and Sunni constantly fight each other. We’re showing they’re wrong.
(A9 TV; December 16th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Iran should make an official call to Shia groups to pull out from Aleppo. All of them should leave and civilians should be evacuated.
(A9 TV; December 16th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Kurds are religious Muslims; Alawites, Bektashis are perfect Muslims. There will never be a rift between us and our Kurdish brothers and sisters.