
Adnan Oktar

University students should be open to all ideas, they should be enlightened and democratic.
A9 TV; January 2nd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

When we look, we see that most of the people who advocate Darwinism are very uninformed. Lack of culture and lack of information is a very big problem.
A9 TV; January 2nd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

A Muslim would want people from all faiths to live happily; he/she thinks about everyone and says "my brothers/sisters come first," and never puts himself/herself before others.
A9 TV; January 2nd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is invincible, those who help Mahdi (pbuh) are invincible as well.
A9 TV; January 2nd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Our cultural activities are going on with science, love and a great enthusiasm.
A9 TV; January 2nd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

We are not saying that Mahdi "will" come; Mahdi has already come and is currently on his mission.
A9 TV; December 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

We will never be bored in the Heaven, everything that we like will be there. Feelings like boredom and rage are given specifically to us in this world. In the Heaven these feelings will be taken from the hearts of people.
A9 TV; December 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

It is very important to have mansions and restaurants in the streets for the cats.
A9 TV; December 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

Mahdi (pbuh) will make the world accept the Greatness of Allah.
A9 TV; December 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

Allah tells us that we will only be asked from the Qur'an in the Hereafter. There are many verses which state that the Qur'an is enough.
A9 TV; December 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

The dajjal (antichrist) would not want the Mahdi (pbuh). 30 dajjals (antichrists) will appear against the Mahdi (pbuh) and some of them will be women.
A9 TV; December 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

There is no harm in some scholars being recognized as the Mahdi by their students. Bediuzzaman says; "excessive good opinion has always been there, I did not interfere with that." There will be no harm in that, on the contrary, it will be beneficial in respect of their fervency and service to Muslims.
A9 TV; December 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

The appearance of fake Mahdi candidates is not a problem. It is unnecessary to see those people as a danger.
A9 TV; December 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

In surat An-Nur, Allah tells us that He will make Muslims prevail in the world.
A9 TV; December 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

We name the person who will ensure the unity of Islam as the "Mahdi".
A9 TV; December 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

Having a spiritual leader is a religious obligation for Muslims.
A9 TV; December 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

Waiting for a savior is something stated in the Qur'an. In the Qur'an, Muslims beg Allah saying "send us a savior".
A9 TV; December 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

The world has always been saved with the coming of the saviors and has always gone into degeneration with the dajjals (antichrists). At the moment Muslims are suffering because they are leaderless.
A9 TV; December 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

The hadiths related with the End Times and the appearance of the Mahdi (pbuh) have been realized and thus they have attained certainty.
A9 TV; December 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

The system of the Mahdi is making progress while people say "Mahdi will not come".
A9 TV; December 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

Those who try to prevent the coming of the Mahdi (pbuh) increase the repute of the Mahdi (pbuh).
A9 TV; December 30th, 2012