There is something wrong with a woman who is not attractive. This also holds true for a man. Allah creates even bugs in an attractive manner. Being attractive means that that person is healthy and normal. The contrary is being repulsive. A Muslim never remains repulsive. Consequently she is alluring. There is a blessed attraction on her.
Turkey was almost the bastion of Darwinism, now it has turned out to be the bastion of Creation, the bastion of faith, many thanks to Allah. That is because Hazrat Mahdi (as) is here.
(A9 TV, May 21st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
When the Turkish-Islamic Union is established, you will ask, “Where is the PKK?” There will be no need for them to carry out operations. When the Turkish-Islamic Union is established, the PKK will be eradicated for once and all. It comes to an end.
(A9 TV, May 21st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
(A9 TV, May 23rd, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
A Muslim already prays five times a day, fasts, pays his alms but he is also responsible for learning, to make an effort for the Unity of Islam, to communicate the signs leading to faith, make effort to make people believe and strive against bigotry.
(A9 TV, May 23rd, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
THE GREATEST ACT OF WORSHIP IS THE UNITY OF ISLAM. Right now Muslims are devastated in the Islamic world.
(A9 TV, May 23rd, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Allah does not create this world to make us go through suffering. Allah does not create this world in order to create a hellish environment. He does not want to create a world bereft of artistry and beauty.
(A9 TV, May 23rd, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
When Islam is not applied in a correct manner, Allah always demolished it in destiny. For instance, Allah demolished Islam in the time of the Ottoman Empire because it was not practiced properly. ALLAH PUNISHES RADICALISM AND FANATICISM BY DEMOLISHMENT.
(A9 TV, May 23rd, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will constantly provide evidence in every issue- about Hazrat Mahdi (as), Darwinism, materialism. He will provide scientific evidence, and proofs from the verses and hadith. That is why one of his names will be Al-Hujjat.
(A9 TV, May 23rd, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Turkey is the leader. We are stressing its leadership. If you say the Unity of Islam, they will ask, “Who is your leader?” Who is the pioneer? The Turks are the pioneers. That is why we say, “The Turkish Islamic Union.”
(A9 TV, May 23rd, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Now and then the number of believers has increased and decreased but there have always been Muslims. Sometimes Islam regresses and is distorted; then Allah sends another prophet. Sometimes He sends one in a century or every fifty years. Sometimes He sends two prophets or three prophets at the same time.
(A9 TV, May 23rd, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Those Paleolithic, Neolithic ages, copper and zinc ages; EVERY AGE WAS MODERN. When Prophet Adam (as) was sent to the world by Almighty Allah, Allah taught him all things. Allah taught him how to make agriculture, how to bake bread and how to act in the other realms of life. Allah taught them all of them by means of Jibril.
(A9 TV, May 23rd, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
The antichrist has the feature of casting a spell, this is the most astonishing aspect. For instance, satan calls and releases them upon the humanity. This creates forgetfulness, exhaustion, distractibility in people, but this impact becomes lessened in people with strong will. Resisting against the antichrist is also an act of worship.
(A9 TV, May 23rd, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
It is an act of worship to praise an innocent, modest, beautiful person. It is fulfilling the commandment of Allah. What does Allah say, “And as for the blessing of your Lord, speak out!” (Surat an-Duhan , 11)
(A9 TV; May 22nd, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Bigots are also enemies to one another. They want to kill one another. They hate one another. There is a fierce competition among them.
(A9 TV; May 22nd, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Bigots are expecting a bigot who is a hundred times more rampant than themselves, but they are wrong. That is to say, HAZRAT MAHDI (AS) IS ALREADY COMING TO DEMOLISH THE BIGOTRY. He will bring about a system in which they will live like human beings. Hazrat Mahdi (as) becomes instrumental for that.
(A9 TV; May 22nd, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Ataturk removed all sorts of filth extensively. Hazrat Mahdi (as), on the other hand, will give the last fatal blow. He will give the last scientific blow in a way as to eradicate the evil of idolators from the face of the world.
(A9 TV; May 22nd, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Ataturk is the pioneer of Hazrat Mahdi (as). In the absence of Ataturk, it is unlikely for Hazrat Mahdi (as) to appear. First Ataturk appears and then Hazrat Mahdi (as). The two of them are the power constituting the Unity of Islam.
(A9 TV; May 22nd, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
IDOLATORS ARE ANTİ-MAHDİ. IDOLATORS DO NOT EMBRACE HAZRAT MAHDİ (AS). They all consider themselves as idols, may Allah forbid. They live separately, as if in the form of kings or duchy. That is to say, they do not accept a power over them. Consequently they never embrace Hazrat Mahdi (as) and Jesus Christ (as).
(A9 TV; May 22nd, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Turkey has a population of 75 million. I swear that without the martyrdom of seventy five million people, we would never give up those lands.
(A9 TV; May 19th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
All the prophets were well-off. They were all wealthy because poverty is accompanied by weakness and weakness is unbecoming for a prophet.