
Adnan Oktar

There is a dominance of thugs all around the world. This dominance of thugs, this dominance they have established, will be destroyed by the system of the Mahdi with love, insha'Allah.
A9 TV; August 15th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Islamic world is in destitute because they do not have a leader. Without the Unity of Islam this agitation will continue.
A9 TV; August 15th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Our Copt brothers are the sweetest of all.
A9 TV; August 15th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

The Islamic world should ask for the Unity of Islam at once, they should ask for the system of the Mahdi, they should ask for the appearance of the Jesus Messiah at once.
A9 TV; August 15th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Following all these sufferings a beautiful light, a radiance will prevail in the world insha'Allah. May God give us those beautiful days as soon as possible. May God make me and you as well, all of us students to the Mahdi. May God give us a beautiful system that would bring peace to the whole world.
A9 TV; August 14th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

They should not give such a hard time to our Master Tayyip. That is a shame and also is not compliant with good conscious.
A9 TV; August 14th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

PM Tayyip Erdogan has never played politics with religion. Our PM acts only in the way his piety requires him to behave. There is no such thing as playing politics with religion.
A9 TV; August 14th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is the peacock of the Heaven. The radiance of Mahdi (pbuh) will sparkle like light in the Heaven as well.
A9 TV; August 14th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

The uprisings and the incidents taking place in the world will be calmed down by the system of the Mahdi. God will make those who pretend not to understand the system of the Mahdi say: "O Lord send us the Mahdi (pbuh) from Your Sight," and make them beg for it.
A9 TV; August 14th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

When Islam prevails in the world, Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will be in his older ages but he will be vigorous and energetic.
A9 TV; August 14th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

God's mercy is not for killing but for reviving. May God's mercy be upon all Muslims.
A9 TV; August 14th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Israel should keep away from such low-down businesses. They should always be kind-hearted and compassionate. They should always behave peacefully and refrain from shedding blood. They should set an example for the region with their love and composure. God will protect them then.
A9 TV; August 14th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

The majority of the armies are organized against their own people in the Middle East, they are organized to make havoc of Muslims. Look at Syria, look at Egypt; they both are afraid from Israel yet they act like bullies when it comes to their own people.
A9 TV; August 14th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

There should not be any intervention on people's attire. Everyone is free to wear whatever they like, what others wear is of no one's concern. We should do something about the ignorance of people not about their clothing. I mean we should strive to put an end to ignorance.
A9 TV; August 14th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

"I am on the Side of God, I am always on the side of love and sincerity. I am against persecution wherever it is. "
A9 TV; August 14th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

God creates everything as a blessing for a Muslim. It is great that God does not leave us to our own devices, Alhamdulillah.
A9 TV; August 14th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Unless people mention the Unity of Islam and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), there will be no end to these scourges. May God forbid, if they attempt to disregard the words of our Prophet (saas), God would disregard them as well.
A9 TV; August 14th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Because of the lovelessness in Egypt they fail to come up with a solution. There has to be a blast of love in the country. They should embrace people from all faiths. Lovelessness damages sanity, it brings about irrationality in every aspect and eventually hatred wins in such an environment.
A9 TV; August 14th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Devout Jews should be supported so that the irreligiousness in the region can step back.
A9 TV; August 14th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Animosity against Jews is a reflection of a crude point of view.
A9 TV; August 14th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Bediuzzaman says; "Islam cannot prevail through politics." The system of the Mahdi is the way to make Islam prevail in the world.
A9 TV; August 13th, 2013