There are those who try to make people face the Day of Judgment unprepared. May Allah forbid, this will ruin them; you will ruin yourself. All my descriptions about the Day of Judgment are true. There is a huge mass of meteors surrounding the Earth now. Nemesis also approached to the Earth. This is a star that sends stars at a very unexpected moment. Its location is unidentified; it is not seen with naked eye and it hurls meteors suddenly. NEMESIS CAME TO COLLIDE WITH THE EARTH; FOR EARTH’S EXECUTION. NEMESIS IS THE EXECUTIONER OF THE EARTH.
Some sections of society are deeply in need of obscurantism. In the absence of obscurantism, it does not become possible to assume an attitude against the realities of Islam. They were having an attitude against the realities of Islam. But they could not do anything when the facts of Islam were told in a very satisfactory way. A pure understanding of Islam is advancing in universities, schools, everywhere. When superstitions are thoroughly wiped out, when all their claims are removed with the Qur’an, facts, the truth and information, they had to stop in astonishment since they had nothing to use against.
Adnan Oktar
A GENUINE JEW MUST BE THE FOLLOWER OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAAS) AND ABIDE BY THE QUR’AN. In this case his love of the Torah and the Prophet Moses (as) will be utterly perfect and pure. His mind and conscience will then be utterly at ease.
Adnan Oktar
A GENUINE CHRISTIAN MUST ALSO ABSOLUTELY BE A FOLLOWER OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAAS) AND ABIDE BY THE QUR’AN. A Christian’s love of the Prophet Jesus (as), Mary (as ) and the Gospel will only then be perfect.
Adnan Oktar
Right now we are in the End Times of the world. We must avoid all sorts of acts that will benefit the antichrist. Being hostile towards true religions and Islamic schools would simply mean rendering services to the antichrist.
Adnan Oktar
ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF LOVE. Islam protects both the Christians and the Jews. Islam never approves the discrimination by Islamic denominations one against another among Muslims.
Adnan Oktar
WHEN HAZRAT MAHDI (AS) COMES, THE SYSTEM OF RAGE CULTIVATED AGAINST CHRISTIANS AND JEWS WILL ALSO BE REMOVED. That is why some people do not want the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as). They want to eliminate love and replace it with rage and conflict. However Hazrat Mahdi (as) will bring peace and love.
Adnan Oktar
HAZRAT MAHDI (AS) WILL ERADICATE THE SYSTEM OF ANTICHRIST. Hazrat Mahdi (as) can not be put to the sword, he can not be murdered. Many people struggle against Hazrat Mahdi (as) who will remove the domination of satan over the world. Can they ever stop him? In no way!
Adnan Oktar
The Prophet Moses (as) was a Muslim, Prophet Jesus (as) was also a Muslim. When Jews have faith in our Prophet (saas), they become the Muslims of the time of the Prophet Moses (as). They become purely devout people. When Christians believe in the Prophet Muhammad (saas), they also become the Muslims of the period of the Prophet Jesus (as). They live by the Christianity in its real sense. HAVING FAITH IN THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAAS) DOES NOT TAKE THE PROPHET MOSES (AS) FROM THE HANDS OF JEWS OR PROPHET JESUS (AS) FROM THE HANDS OF CHRISTIANS. ON THE CONTRARY, THAT FAITH DRAWS THEM CLOSER TO THEIR RESPECTIVE PROPHETS.
Adnan Oktar
I have a deep love for the Prophet Moses (as) as I do to all other prophets. He also prayed several times in order to be the Hazrat Mahdi (as). He also awaited Hazrat Mahdi (as). The Prophet Moses (as) knew that Hazrat Mahdi (as) would abide by the Qur’an. That is also why he wanted to be the Hazrat Mahdi (as).
Adnan Oktar
At the beginning those opposing Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be in majority. Around him will be only 313 people. But then Allah will stir up an amazing love for Hazrat Mahdi (as). They will embrace Hazrat Mahdi (as) with love.
Adnan Oktar
One needs to consider rage not as a sign of taqwa but as a sign of fitnah.
Adnan Oktar
The fact that Allah is the Alive for all eternity is a very great blessing for a man who is mortal and it is a great reassurance for him.
Adnan Oktar
Darwinism, materialism is a religion with a tenet that atom is wise. This is a religion with a tenet that with this so-called wisdom, unconscious atoms came together and formed the senses of smell, sight, hearing and tasting. DARWINISM IS A PAGAN RELIGION INHERITED FROM SUMERIANS AND EVEN GENERATIONS THAT PRECEDED THEM.
Adnan Oktar
Now that a person believes in a Darwinist world, Allah creates a Hell for him compatible with his creed. In Hell Allah shows him how evolution and mutation could ever existed. Everything in Hell is improper, uneven; everything is against them, everything is painful.
Adnan Oktar
Antichrist brings forward unhappiness. Those following Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be happy.
Adnan Oktar
The Qur’an does not bring forward suffering; It brings joy, freedom and purity of mind. The Qur’an wills to break the chains and open our ways. Obscurantists, bigots, on the other hand, want us to face hardship. They desire forms of worship, regular prayers, alms, laughing, friendship, eating and being joyful to be hard. The fact is however, Allah says that “HE DID NOT REVEAL THE QUR’AN TO US TO MAKE US MISERABLE.”
Adnan Oktar
“THE MESSIAH WOULD NEVER DISDAIN TO BE A SLAVE TO ALLAH NOR WOULD THE ANGELS NEAR TO HIM..” Because Prophet Jesus (as) did not die and he is alive in Allah’s Sight, he worships in Allah’s Sight together with the angels. This verse is another evidence proving that Prophet Jesus (as) is alive.
Adnan Oktar
In the Qur’an Allah encourages science and arts. Science and arts is an inseperable aspect of a Muslim. The Qur’an is a just Book that will be valid until the Day of Judgment.
Adnan Oktar
The fundemental trouble of people is lack of love. If they were to experience love in the real sense of the word, then people would remain very healthy and beautiful.
Adnan Oktar
Love requires patience. It is essential to transform the difficult [aspects] and shortcomings of one’s beloved into beauty. Seeing the happiness of one’s beloved is food to the soul.