There are a handful of Palestinians, a handful of Israelis. We’ve told them to tear down the walls. Insha’Allah we will make them tear down the walls. Allahis the one Who protects, not the walls. The walls can be demolished with a bomb. How could walls protect? Allah is the One Who protecs. They should sseek refuge in Allah’s compassion, love and mercy. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
There are a handful of Palestinians, a handful of Israelis. We’ve told them to tear down the walls. Insha’Allah we will make them tear down the walls. Allahis the one Who protects, not the walls. The walls can be demolished with a bomb. How could walls protect? Allah is the One Who protecs. They should sseek refuge in Allah’s compassion, love and mercy.
If the people – may Allah forbid- becomes irreligious, Turkey would be devastated. There will be no Turkish Nation or Turkey left behind. It is religion that keeps Turkey straight. Allah keeps Turkey straight by means of religion. What is the unifying aspeck? It is religion. What is integrating? Religion. When religion is gone, there will be no family, no morality, no state, nothing left behind.
(A9 TV; April 18th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
That is the deep aspect of love, of passion; being forgiving, compassionate, protective, thinking deep, seeing beauties in detail, seing wisdom in detail and patience. Patience is very important.
(A9 TV; April 18th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
You patiently endure difficulties and thus you show your love. If you do not endure difficulties, gratification would not be formed either. “I feel love but I do not endure difficulties,” that is not acceptable. Even in the story of Layla and Majnun they endure difficulties and that is that love appears nice to us. When one endures difficulties for the sake of Allah, when one endures pain, it would be beautiful. Or else everyone could feel love.
(A9 TV; April 18th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
What a beautiful environment of trial Allah has created. Allah veils Himself to the people with weak faith, and opens and shows Himself even further to strong people. Faith then becomes precious, it becomes even more beautiful. That is because you find Him by searching, you give make effort to that end.
(A9 TV; April 18th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
You cannot revile anyone in any place of the world. There is no such right of revilement. If you give them the right to revile, then you would be giving the right to beat and swear and following that you would be giving them the right to kill as well.
(A9 TV; April 17th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Muslims have self-esteem, they have personal dignity, they have honor and pride. They would not let anyone revile them. They are trying to make Muslims get used to being reviled. We would not accept that. That would not happen.
(A9 TV; April 17th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Can communism be defeated? With Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), it will be defeated, insha'Allah.
(A9 TV; April 18th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Insha'Allah we pray for the PKK to give up communism and this Marxist way of thinking.
(A9 TV; April 18th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
The best way of reacting to an insult is reacting by means of legal system.
(A9 TV; April 18th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
That radiant light of innocence in the faces of children is a great beauty.
(A9 TV; April 18th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
How could this huge world be not enough for people? This aggressiveness people display is really bewildering. They are being deceived by a maniacal plot of the satan.
(A9 TV; April 18th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Jesus Messiah is in this world right now but that beautiful loved one is hidden behind veils.
(A9 TV; April 18th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
They are telling communist stories in an environment where there is the Mahdi (pbuh) and the Jesus Messiah (pbuh), where Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) goes the rounds. They cannot attain any results with that. All the power is in the Hands of Allah.
(A9 TV; April 18th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Allah carries Turkey through by means of religion. When religion goes, neither the concept of family, nor morality or state would remain behind. Religion is the main factor that holds people together.
(A9 TV; April 18th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Love for Allah would become even more beautiful when one suffers ordeals and endures pain for that sake.
(A9 TV; April 18th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Faith is the greatest truth that we come face to face the moment we wake up in the morning.
(A9 TV; April 18th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
When those who insult are given the necessary legal retribution, they no longer do that. They correct their turns of phrases. That means that they know how to speak nicely. Laws and the justice system has such a disciplinary, such a nice aspect.
(A9 TV; April 17th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Those who revile others and react when lawsuits are brought against them for that reason, file lawsuits themselves when the same insults are sent back to them. That is a clear proof of their insincerity.
(A9 TV; April 17th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
At the moment the necessary retribution is given through laws and legal system to those who insult others. In the past there used to be inconceivable insults and there was nothing to be done in the face of them. The fact that no one can insult others any longer is a beauty presented by his government.
(A9 TV; April 17th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
There are some people who are attempting to make us get used to insults and curses as a nation. We will not accept it. We do not want insults and curses!