The youth of the PKK is given an amazing political training and an astounding military training. But our youth is not given such an education. Our youth is not given such political consciousness- raising. They do not receive such military training in that sense either. That is why they are able to challenge great Turkey with a handful of scum. America also supports them covertly. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
The youth of the PKK is given an amazing political training and an astounding military training. But our youth is not given such an education. Our youth is not given such political consciousness- raising. They do not receive such military training in that sense either. That is why they are able to challenge great Turkey with a handful of scum. America also supports them covertly.
God has sent ISIS as a scourge to the PKK. It is a scourge on them in response to their unruliness. But of course, we always want everything to be solved with ideas and science.
(A9 TV; August 7th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
The body would never want death and fading away. The cells do not want it. That is something that gives the sharpest pain to one. God takes away this pain with Islam.
(A9 TV; August 7th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Those who do not have faith in the Hereafter would be distressed; their faces, their souls would be darkened. But those with faith in the Hereafter would feel as if they have been given a great glad tiding in their souls, telling them that they will live eternally. Their hearts would then feel relieved.
(A9 TV; August 7th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
In regard to the future, the Hereafter is the only goal for Muslim. The Hereafter is the joy and reward of a Muslim. A Muslim always hopes for Heaven. A Muslim fears going to Hell but always think about Heaven and concentrates on Heaven.
(A9 TV; August 7th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
The PKK is the greatest threat both to our borders and in Turkey. They have invaded our Southeast region and gained dominance there and our borders have also been invaded from end to end.
(A9 TV; August 7th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Muslims are charged with saving Muslims. You cannot discard them saying that they are terrorists. You cannot discard them saying they engage in violence. They can be Muslims but they can also be at fault, they can be mistaken. You correct their mistakes, their faulty ways.
(A9 TV; August 5th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
I would not want anyone to die. Even if he is a terrorist, I wouldn't want him dead. But we should drain their swamp. We need to blow up their roads, their bridges and wreck their caves so that they can more easily surrender. For instance, blowing up their ammunition warehouses is acceptable. They would not be able to behave in such an unruly manner.
(A9 TV; August 5th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Crying is not acceptable for us. We did not cry in Çanakkale. We did not cry in Dumlupınar. We did not cry in Malazgirt. Why would we cry? As a nation who desires martyrdom, as a nation who regards martyrdom as an honor, why would we cry for martyrs?
(A9 TV; August 5th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
I would never discard any Muslim community as a whole. No matter what kind of a sin they committed, they are Muslims in any case. We are to love Muslims. They might make mistakes, they might have flaws, we are to simply correct their ways. We are to talk to them and tell them the falsity of their ways.
(A9 TV; August 5th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
Moschiach, Mahdi is awaited in the whole world; he is expected as the one who will disentangle the Masonic knot.
(A9 TV; August 4th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
There is also another power higher than the Illuminati. They are the ones drawing the form the world should take with a compass and a protractor.
(A9 TV; August 4th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
It is the deep state of the world that decides if Syria is to be demolished and torn to pieces and the issue is endorsed by the American deep state. They are the ones selected to carry out the task. They take on the task and put it into practice.
(A9 TV; August 4th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
There is a deep global state known as the Illuminati, consisting of 200 to 300 people. They are the ones making decisions on wars; matters such as stopping wars, which countries to bring devastation upon, which countries will be victorious, are all decided by them. If a new country is to be founded, they are the ones to decide that as well.
(A9 TV; August 4th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
It seems as if the deep states of the related countries are the ones that made the decision to stir up trouble and declare war in a country but the deep states of those respective countries are actually mere instruments. It is the global deep that gives the order. The American deep state is not a serious force in this respect either. They are merely obeying orders.
(A9 TV; August 4th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
America believes that we have to suffer through very formidable and bloody days for the second coming of Jesus Messiah. That is why they are turning the world into a sea of blood for Jesus to appear and for the Last Day to become imminent. That is a big mistake.
(A9 TV; August 4th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
If we declare mobilization, that would make the PKK incredibly afraid. If we enlist one million soldiers, we would have one million 600 thousand soldiers with our 600 thousand currently active soldiers on duty. That would constitute an amazingly intimidating force.
(A9 TV; August 4th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
It would be an enormous spiritual motivation for our people if they photographed and published the aftermath of the attacks against the PKK. That would also wreck the PKK in terms of morality.
(A9 TV; August 4th, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
If you give a Darwinist education night and day, communism would of course keep snowballing. You are thus adding fuel to the flames. Darwinism is the fuel of those flames. If you teach your youth the primary philosophy of communism in your middle schools, high schools and universities, if you tell them that their ancestors are microbes formed in swamps, they would of course become communists eventually.
(A9 TV; August 3rd, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
In regards to deterrence, our police and soldiers should have more powerful weapons. Having long lasting armed conflicts should be out of question. If they know that we do have such state of the art weapons, they wouldn't even be able to come near. But if they know that we have only outdated weapons, they would dare to attack.
(A9 TV; August 3rd, 2015)
Adnan Oktar
The only thing God asks us is to be loved. God says, “Love Me deeply. Feel a great affection for Me, so that I will give you all kinds of blessings and make you happy. And that would make Me pleased in return."