The understanding of social justice in the Marxism is directly quoted from the Torah but it has been distorted. It is quoted from the creed of Hazrat Mahdi (as) in the Torah, from the Psalms and the Qur’an. That is to say, Karl Marx tried to turn it into a fake system of Mahdi.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
THE QUR’AN IS FREEDOM, FROM ITS BEGINNING TO ITS END; IT ELIMINATES CHAINS. It endows an infinitely free world. It grants us democracy in the true sense of the word. And the Qur’an presents us with the understanding of secularism.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
A PERSON CANNOT ATTAIN PROFONDUTY WITHOUT GOING THROUGH SUFFERING. Wisdom does not develop, passion does not come into existence, nothing seems meaningful.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
SATAN HINDERS A PERSON FROM PERFORMING HIS SALAT (regular prayer) BY MEANS OF A SPELL. Our brothers must not let this happen. They must pray for one another mutually; may Allah protect Muslims from the misdeeds of dajjal.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
Go and look at the street; you can see. Hypnosis is immediately recognized. While normally consciousness must be very sharp and open, we see that some people’s consciousness is closed. THE FACT IS HOWEVER, A PERSON BECOMES A PERFECT FOLLOWER OF THE QUR’AN WHEN HIS CONSCIOUSNESS IS KEEN.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
Bediuzzaman says, “Dajjal who works wonders in the form of magnetism and hypnotism”; this hypnotism means all sorts of hypnosis. It is also Allah Who forms its influence, as well as Who will eliminate it. This is a requisite of the trial. Muslims must pray.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
DAJJAL HAS INFLUENCE UPON PEOPLE'S BRAINS. Muslims must call on to Allah for the opening of their foresight, for the health of their brains. All Muslims must pray for one another because dajjal works on minds and he does things that will harm the mind.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
IN THE END TIMES MUSLIMS MUST PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER A LOT. They must ask for Allah’s help against the spell of dajjal because it is also Allah Who makes the spell influential. They will seek refuge in Allah.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
THE SPELL OF DAJJAL IS BEING BROKEN INTO PIECES. IN 2012 this will attain its peak point, Insha'Allah. Its spell will be broken completely.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
Those who cast spells employ inculcation; they persistently use inculcation. They endeavor to cast spell by means of repetition. They repeat some certain statements. The repetition of some certain images puts people under that spell. Against that spell, we will SHOW FACES WITH LIGHT, PEOPLE OF LIGHT. WE CLEAN THAT CORRUPTION, THAT SCOURGE BY MEANS OF THE LIGHT OF GUIDANCE, THE LIGHT OF THESE PEOPLE AND THEIR PRAYERS.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
All Muslims will pray to be protected against the spell of dajjal. SPELLS BREAK DOWN BY MEANS OF PRAYER. The spell of dajjal has already covered all the world; he has put all people under his hypnosis. We will get through that spell by praying, by embracing whatever we can in action, by inculcation.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
UNTIL THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, OUR SCIENTIFIC STRUGGLE CONTINUES, Insha'Allah. Until 1532. The generations following us, the next generation will continue until 1532.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
We come here for trial; we do not come for entertainment. WE COME HERE TO FALL IN LOVE WITH ALLAH, TO BE ATTACHED TO HIM WITH PASSION, AS PASSIONATE
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
One needs to surrender to Allah with pure heart; one needs to love Him with love. ONE NEEDS TO PRAY TO ALLAH FOR PROFOUND LOVE.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
A Muslim does not feel sorry. He sees goodness and beauty in everything. Everything is created with absolute wisdom. One must look with the eye of wisdom, Insha’Allah.
(June 19th, 2011; A9 TV)
Adnan Oktar
What happens if you feel sorry? The body simply collapses. BEING SORRY IS ASCRIBING PARTNERS TO Allah; MAY ALLAH FORBID, IT IS DISLIKING THE DESTINY CREATED BY ALLAH. When one does not like his destiny, the body starts to attack itself and it ruins itself, may Allah forbid. That is why Allah prohibits being sorry.
(June 19th, 2011; A9 TV)
Adnan Oktar
People have the will to live for all eternity. In the Qur’an, Allah states, “WE RETURN THEM TO THEIR PRIMAL STATE.” That is, they become like children. BEFORE DEATH, THEY ASSUME THE KIND OF SPIRIT THAT READILY DEMANDS DEATH. That is, Allah matures the person, makes him feel relieved and puts him in a state which does not feel irritated about death. Then Allah takes his soul.
(June 14th, 2011; A9 TV)
Adnan Oktar
IT IS NOT THE EYES OR FACE OF A PERSON THAT IS LOVED. One may lose her looks, she can get sick, grow old, lose her wealth. But her faith and morality, that is the morality which ORIGINATES FROM FAITH, AND THAT IS PERMANENT. THAT IS WHAT MAKES A PROFOUND IMPACT ON THE SOUL. THAT IS WHY WE LOVE HUMAN BEINGS. Otherwise a person [made up] of merely flesh and bone is not loved. Because if you lift the complexion, you will meet red flesh just a millimeter beneath. That is, it is red flesh, fat and nothing else. Consequently there remains nothing from that human being that one can like.
(June 14th, 2011; A9 TV)
Adnan Oktar
LOVE DOES NOT COME ABOUT WITHOUT DOING NOTHING. One must absolutely make an effort for it. He must pay attention, be meticulous about it. That is, just as how you protect a flower; LOVE MUST BE PROTECTED. Love does not come into being without doing nothing.
(June 14th, 2011; A9 TV)
Adnan Oktar
AN EGOISTIC, SELFISH PERSON CAN NOT EXPERIENCE LOVE. Someone who is egoistic and selfish loses love. A person who is not patient or who is not forgiving loses love.