Adnan Oktar - The style of a Muslim must definetly be appeasing. A Muslim does not harbour a spirit of rage and hatred. A Muslim should embrace a style taking care of the other party. ()
The style of a Muslim must definetly be appeasing. A Muslim does not harbour a spirit of rage and hatred. A Muslim should embrace a style taking care of the other party.
In case of embracing a style lack of compassion, irreligiousness snowballs. If we do not approach with compassion, we will submit the world to disbelief. The wisdom should be apparent in the style of a Muslim.
Quality is very vital. At the time of our Prophet (saas) there was quality. Quality in conduct, quality in style, quality in cleanness; quality must reign everywhere.
Heaven is quality. Our Prophet (saas) was very classy. Quality reigned in the time of the Companions of our Prophet (saas). THE QUR’AN DEMANDS QUALITY FROM US and the heart of a Muslim sides with quality. We must attach great importance to quality. Quality in outerwear, in the style we employ and everything else.
MUSLIMS MUST LITERALLY SUBMIT TO ALLAH. Muslims must say, “My body and soul belong to Allah.”
Wittiness of hypocrites stem from of satan’s insinuation on them. Muslims should therefore be wise and cautious and shouldn’t adopt a similar style when answering their claims.
We must advocate protecting all Muslims as our brothers. The foreign policy of Turkey must be based on this conception.
We must get ourselves acquainted with satan, we must try to understand the ways of the hypocrites and the irreligious. We must try to learn the ways they can harm the Muslims. In the 104th verse of the Surah an-Nisa, God commands this to Muslims as a form of worship.
Iran and Turkey must be members of both NATO and Shanghai Cooperation Organization but most importantly, Muslim countries must unite.
Ataturk possessed both the Ottoman palace demeanor and the European style of high-quality.
Prodigality is very common. People take food to their dish and they cannot finish and they leave it. This is wastefulness. Muslims must avoid prodigality in everything. Muslims must not waste any food, paper or water.
There is pressure upon all Muslims; in this milieu of pressure, it isn't scrupulous to see Shias, Sunnis, Wahhabis as enemies. They must ally. All Muslims must love one another; they must all watch over one another without considering from which sect they are.
Entertainment, music and dancing were shown as blessings that must be prohibited to Muslims. These worldly blessings are for Muslims.
The Muslim community must be united against the British Deep State.
At the time of the Mahdi women will be completely free. No one will intervene in their clothing or make up style.
The essence of Islam is ultra-modern, the superstitions and life style of idolaters on the other hand are ultra-radical.
One needs to speak positively all the time. A negative, feeble and destructive style would be erroneous.
Muslims are in conflict because of the differences in the teachings of religious sects that are not in line with the Qur’an. There must be strong love among Muslims.
Muslim countries must continue supporting President Trump. Even though there were mistakes in his first action, we must keep our support.
Muslims cannot unite without a leader in the Islamic world. Muslims must unite around a spiritual leader to save the whole Muslim world.
Muslims must be on their guard over two things; hypocrisy and irreligion, these two trends.
Homosexuality is illegal in Islam but some hesitate to voice this. A Muslim must condemn homosexuality.
Muslims and Christians must ally as soon as possible in order to prevent the closure of churches.
WE MUST HEAR MUSLIMS SPEAKING OF ISLAMIC UNION. We must support a sincere leader when he emerges. The permanent solution is the way of Hazrat Mahdi (as).
Muslims are in such a deadlock that their minds are frozen by rules non-existing in religion, , music, arts, being joyful. Since being exuberant is shown as a potential sin and they regard themselves as guilty, they have a defeated character. Muslims who abide by the Qu'ran are enlightened, high-quality, self-assured and wise. No Muslims should agree to having a defeated style.