
Adnan Oktar

Some evolutions admit -albeit secretly- that the fossils we present by making use of paleontology as a science branch, are original.
A9 TV; January 17th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Lacking trust in God, demoralization and being obsessed with things are burdens of unbelief. Trust in God is the strongest antidepressant.
A9 TV; February 9th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

The good thing about President Erdoğan is that he does not yield to the British deep state. We'd never surrender him, the son of our nation, into the hands of the British deep state.
A9 TV; February 9th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

God first gives hypocrites vast opportunity but then He destroys them. The means that they possess cause them to get more evil.
A9 TV; February 9th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Having a strong opposition shows that Turkey has democracy. Therefore our brothers should not be bothered with opposition.
A9 TV; February 9th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Societies where women can't be free, laugh, go outside and be happy are condemned to collapse. God would not let oppression of His servants. Women should laugh as they want. It is wrong to consider fun as men's right and not of women's. Women know right and wrong via their conscience.
A9 TV; February 9th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

God gives time to unbelievers and hypocrites in this world. This should not mislead Muslims. Leaving it to the last moment for retribution is one of God’s sunnah.
A9 TV; February 9th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

The most beautiful being and blessing in Heaven is the manifestation of the Almighty God.
A9 TV; February 9th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Unbelievers and hypocrites in hell assume that they are somehow under a spell and can change their situation. All their efforts end in failure.
A9 TV; February 9th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Among people there are so many zombie- like beings with no soul but have the appearance of human beings. God reveals this in the Qur'an. These spiritually dead people who are coded with hatred and have no understanding of love and beauty are created specially.
A9 TV; February 9th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

In some Catholic churches, homosexuality is supposedly legitimized and Darwinism is promoted. This is the work of the British deep state.
A9 TV; February 9th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites strive for Muslims to be unsuccessful and it is like a mental disease for them. They try to prevent the efforts of believers, but not of unbelievers.
A9 TV; February 9th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

God describes the immorality and games of hypocrites in detail in the Qur'an. A hypocrite is a devilish and marginal creature. The logic used by the hypocrite is the same as the logic used by satan.
A9 TV; February 9th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

It would be beneficial for Turkey to establish a Ministry of Quality and Arts.
A9 TV; February 9th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

It's very good that President Erdoğan is focusing on arts and quality. May God surround him, our people and the world with His blessing. Whoever dominates arts and culture would conquer the world. Without arts and culture there's only defeat. President Erdoğan is aware of this fact.
A9 TV; February 9th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

President Erdogan said that we are from the 'family of Abraham.' This is a statement in the Qur'an and Turkish people are also in this family.
A9 TV; February 9th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

All power and might belongs to God. No one could ever be able to do anything unless God wills so.
A9 TV; February 8th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Satan drags people into marginality. Croesus, for instance was marginal; so was Samiri. That is a common attribute for the hypocrites. Their logic works defectively.
A9 TV; February 8th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

People are created anew along with their memories every moment. In a sense, it is as if they are reborn every moment.
A9 TV; February 8th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Children are starving and are being martyred in Yemen. Muslims should think about the responsibility on them very thoroughly.
A9 TV; February 8th, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Rohingya Muslims are ruthlessly persecuted. They are forced into a tight corner everywhere. All Muslims should protect and look out for them.
A9 TV; February 8th, 2017