Some circles are extremely disturbed because we support President Erdogan, because we are exposing the British deep state and because we are scientifically refuting Darwinism. Let them bring it on; we will foil all their plots with legal means, with wisdom and knowledge. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
Some circles are extremely disturbed because we support President Erdogan, because we are exposing the British deep state and because we are scientifically refuting Darwinism. Let them bring it on; we will foil all their plots with legal means, with wisdom and knowledge.
When people forget God, God gives them troubles –sometimes little, sometimes more intense- to remind of Himself. God always brings people closer to Himself through different means. This is a beautiful blessing of God.
(A9 TV; January 18th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Sycophants of the British deep state are aware that Turkey is going through very important days and therefore leapt into action [thinking that they can benefit from the situation]. Our people should be careful. Those people are mistaken; they can never discourage patriots no matter what methods they use.
(A9 TV; January 18th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Turkey is a modern, enlightened country. Those that have no love, happiness, love, art, beauty, quality in their lives, those live as if they are already dead, want Turkish people to live like them as well. Our people will not be like them. On the contrary, we will grow and get stronger as a modern, enlightened, religious, high-quality country insha’ Allah.
(A9 TV; January 18th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
God immediately responds when one forgets God. That person will be confused, will not have a clear mind. I love God the most, everyone should love God the most. Those that never forget God have a very healthy, sound state of mind throughout the day.
(A9 TV; January 18th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
They [some people] don't understand God’s laws; that’s why they are so worried about everything. They think that every object, every being in the world is independently capable. They wrongly think that cars, houses, medications, in short everything has a power that is independent from God. That’s why they are continuously suffering, continuously in pain. If they comprehended that there is only one God and only God has power, if they surrendered to God, they would have lived very comfortably.
(A9 TV; January 18th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Darwinism equals to communism. It would be a miracle if a person in the clutches of Darwinism does not fall prey to communism. Despite this threat, Darwinism is being taught by hand of the state. That is such a grave situation. People receiving a Darwinist education would think that they are no different than a cat or a dog on the streets or a bacteria. They believe that their death would be the same as the death of a bacteria. Their perspective on life would completely be based on this distorted mentality. People start explaining the amazing system in the universe through dialectic philosophy that is the anchor point of the Darwinist philosophy. They would thus begin to deny the existence of God, religion and the Hereafter completely in time. The state should immediately stop giving Darwinist education.
(A9 TV; January 12th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
The world will turn into Heaven on earth if we remove the oppression of the traditionalist orthodox system and the lies of Darwinism from the face of this world. These scourges have cornered the youth from two sides and taken their happiness away from them.
(A9 TV; January 12th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Turkey’s policy for Syria should be supporting the territorial integrity of Syria and Unitarian structure of the Syrian state. There is the need of recognizing the state in Syria and forming an alliance between Russia, Iran and Turkey to act jointly with this state, otherwise the PKK would be legalized. Syrian government should convene, the head of the State, namely al-Assad should gather the assembly and say; “come help me.” Russia, Iran and Turkey should jointly help them. This way the PKK’s plot to divide Turkey would completely fail. Since this would be realized in accordance with the requests of the Syrian State, neither the UN, nor the US, etc. could object to this. If Turkey doesn’t enter into such an alliance with the Syrian State- may God forbid- she would unwillingly be helping the foundation of the Communist PKK state. To remove such a possibility completely, protecting the territorial integrity of Syria and to ensure that protection contacting the Syrian State is a necessity. Russia could be a mediator for Turkey in this respect. The governments of Iran, Turkey, Russia and Syria convene and take joint decisions. Cooperating with the Syrian state in this regard is the right decision both conscientiously and politically. Our government should not refrain from being brave in this matter. It is true that Syria committed murders, it is true that there is persecution there , but these are not obstacles for establishing contact. There are murders committed by almost every other country, the US, Russia, UK, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc. Approaching others with this mentality, Turkey would not be able to establish a dialogue with any other country. We need to act wisely and to support Turkey’s cooperation with Syria, Russia and Iran to wipe the PKK completely out of this region.
(A9 TV; January 12th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
People have a difficult trial because in this world, people are given a valuable training and are educated to be worthy of Heaven.
(A9 TV; October 10th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
They have taken away laughter, joy, courtesy, science, art and women’s beauty from Muslims and that is why they can so easily crush the Muslim world.
(A9 TV; October 10th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Knowing about all religions is the essence of culture. A person must know about the faiths of his own region and his neighbors.
(A9 TV; October 10th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
For some, the facts of life mean forgetting about God. They jump into the world and put themselves into trouble for no reason.
(A9 TV; October 10th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Disabled children are the children of all people. Not only their own families but the whole community must also look after disabled children.
(A9 TV; October 10th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
It’d be very ugly not to treat a young woman with a compassionate, polite, protective manner knowing that she carries the Spirit of God.
(A9 TV; October 10th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Logic is what makes a person take egoistical decisions. Conscience is the system that crushes egocentrism as it always speaks what is right.
(A9 TV; October 10th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Conscience steps in instantly for every incident. Logic fights against conscience. The reason why people get ugly is because they do not listen to their good conscience.
(A9 TV; October 10th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The only aim of a believer is to earn the most of God’s good pleasure as he has no expectations from the life of this world.
(A9 TV; October 10th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
President Trump is now being surrounded by the British Deep State. Had Russia, China and Muslim countries supported Trump, he’d have a stronger hand.
(A9 TV; October 10th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
When one is caught up in this world, the life of this world would drag him inside and suffocate him, so to speak. Such a person would struggle for a lifetime. But if one submits to God completely, he would live every moment in peace and beauty and his affairs would be straightened very easily.
(A9 TV; October 10th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The interviews we make with young people show that they have embraced true Islam based on the Qur’an and acknowledged the invalidity of Darwinism.