
Adnan Oktar

Since we do not make any claims about a genocide, it would not be right for our Armenian brothers to make any claims about a genocide. There was a war going on. What should be done is to bind up the wounds of that war altogether with friendship and brotherhood.
A9 TV; April 23rd, 2015

Adnan Oktar

People saw that they can be religious in their hearts and souls. They have seen that they can listen to music; they have seen that women can wander around without covering their heads yet be religious and perform their prayers at the same time. Therefore, religion has become widespread covertly in Turkey and found a great foundation everywhere.
A9 TV; April 21st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Mahdi (pbuh) will be out in the open and explicit. He will openly be subjected to injustice; he will openly suffer ordeals but people will overlook that and fail to see it. That is very astounding. He will be subjected to unprecedented persecution. Later on people will say, "This persecution took place right in front of our eyes, how did we fail to see this, how could we overlook something like that?"
A9 TV; April 21st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is very handsome. He will appear as a European- looking young man. As a beautiful, decent, smart young man, who does not remember his past. This would not have such a shocking impact as is presumed. That is because everything will be open to doubt. He would not say, "I certainly am Jesus." He would say, "I look like him. I might be him."
A9 TV; April 21st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Even though we did not enter a war, we always remained poor. Darwinism is at the root of this inauspiciousness. Darwinism is -may God forbid- rebelling against God. May God forbid, Almighty God might raze our country to the ground. The land and the skies might crack open if that happens. God says "The heavens are all but rent apart and the earth split open and the mountains brought crashing down." God is explicitly being denied with Darwinism.
A9 TV; April 20th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Our Prophet (saas) learned what is unlawful from the Qur'an. There is no unlawful or lawful apart from what is in the Qur'an. The Companions asked our mother Hazrat Aisha (ra) "What is the sunnah of Rasulullah?" And she replied "the Qur'an." So do not invent things. Lawful and unlawful acts are only defined by the Qur'an.
A9 TV; April 19th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

If you accept this land as your homeland, if you accept this state as your state, you should be aware that this state has established rules, it has a constitution. "Everyone living within the borders of this land is Turkish." What does this mean? That means we are brothers. No matter what happens, you can be an Armenian, you can be Kurdish, Laz, Turkish, we will name all of you Turkish and live altogether in peace. That is great.
A9 TV; April 19th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Almighty God states in the Torah that the whole region will be under the control of Muslims in the End Times. God says "You will prevail in the whole region from the Nile to the Euphrates, including Mecca and Madinah, including the Mediterranean and Cyprus. And one from the line of the Prophet David (pbuh) will be heading that community." That person is the Mahdi (pbuh).
A9 TV; April 19th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The jinn cannot do anything God did not will. Consequently if God wishes to cast troubles upon a person, He could do so with the jinn or with cars, with cancer or with anything else of His choosing.
A9 TV; April 19th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Many people are scared to death of the jinn. A jinni can never do anything to you, what could they do? The jinn are under the control of God. They ascribe partners to God and assume that they are able to act independently from God. Isn't God the One Who gives the jinn that power? How could a jinni do something not defined in destiny?
A9 TV; April 19th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Those following the Mahdi, those who are God-fearing are the students of the Mahdi (pbuh) and - God willing- they are the people of Heaven. Our Prophet (saas) refers to those 313 students as the center.
A9 TV; April 19th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

If you have a beautiful mind and a beautiful conscience, God would bring a beautiful person into your destiny. Why did God bring about that much beauty for the Prophet Solomon (pbuh). The Prophet Solomon (pbuh) did not attain those beauties by striving and by working for it. God gave them to him because of his piety.
A9 TV; April 19th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Religion is easiness. God says; "We will ease you to the Easy Way." He says " God desires ease for you; He does not desire difficulty for you" and " He has selected you and not placed any constraint upon you in religion- the religion of your forefather Abraham."
A9 TV; April 19th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

If there is a fervent love, that means there is a fervent faith. If one has a fervent love for a woman, you should know that he possesses a fervent faith. That is the sign of it.
A9 TV; April 19th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

One should close the door to misgivings during the prayers: That is because you do not avoid performing prayers, you do not avoid taking ablution. Since you are there to take your ablution, you do not avoid doing so. You wash your hands and face. You do whatever is required. If that is the case why should you be doubtful?
A9 TV; April 19th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

When one asks for love, he should first aim for the love of God. No love can be formed if there is no love for God or fear of God.
A9 TV; April 19th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Love is something that widens as one uses his mind. It develops in proportion to one's mind. For instance, you act loyally and the love you receive increases. You show compassion and the love you receive increases. You act patiently and the love you receive increases. You protect and watch over others, the love you receive increases. You think deeply and act considerate, the love you receive increases. You talk kindly and it increases; you refrain from telling lies and it increases. You constantly act honestly and it increases. You constantly approach others warmly with good intentions and it increases. One would detest the other if he sees anything contrary.
A9 TV; April 19th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Man is a being made up of blood, flesh and bones. Man possesses a thousand and one different weaknesses. How could one feel love for that? One would be insane. One could only be loved if he possesses the soul of God, if he is a noble being, if he is a being that would live for all eternity.
A9 TV; April 19th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

If a person does not believe in God, it would be impossible to find it in one's soul to trust that person. How could one see the other person if he does not possess the mind to see God? If one does not have it in his heart to be thankful to God, how could it be possible for him to thank another person? How could one be loyal to a servant of God if he cannot be loyal to God? It is faith that ensures the energy and nobility of love.
A9 TV; April 19th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Those who mock the ones preaching do so because they are fiercely effected, or else why would they bother to do so? They would have never bothered if they were not effected, they would have gone about their own business. They mock merely to calm themselves: That is because their good conscience starts disturbing them. That is a precaution taken by unbelievers against that disturbance.
A9 TV; April 17th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

If you define the reward you get while preaching religion as three in numbers, it becomes thirty when you do it after being mocked. If the severity of mocking is high, it would be three hundred. If it is very very severe, it would be three thousand, let me say. What is your goal? Is it not an act of worship? God creates an act of worship for you.
A9 TV; April 17th, 2015