Religion classes in the syllabus would not cause youngsters to become religious; they simply give them general knowledge. But if facts leading to faith were to be taught in religion classes, if the miracles of the Qur'an were to be taught, then we can say that a faithful, devout youth is being aimed at.
Being a communist is not an offense but being a terrorist, anarchist, ferocious organization is an offense. Otherwise if it were to remain on the intellectual level, be a communist, defend any other ideology you like we would not be concerned by any of them. You can be an atheist, you can be a communist, but if you attempt to employ violence and terror, we would be standing against you. We would not let you do that.
(A9 TV; September 23rd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
We've been explaining night and day that PKK is a Godless, Bookless structure. Ideas are the most powerful weapons in the world and that has wiped out the PKK.
(A9 TV; September 23rd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
What should be done against ISIS is to engage in an intellectual struggle. If you attempt to respond them with communism, if you attempt to stand against the ideology of ISIS with a Godless, Bookless, irreligious, faithless ideology, they would rout you; but if you respond to them with Islam, with the Qur'an and if you criticize the system of idolatry while doing so, you would then be successful anyway.
(A9 TV; September 23rd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Jihad: "Jahd" means striving. These people, however, understand jihad as chopping people up. Instead of chopping up that person, would it not be better if you try to persuade that person, if you persuade that person with your ideas? When you chop that person up you would be annihilating that person, he would not have the opportunity to be a Muslim! Yet if you preach religion, if you tell them about God, they would come to believe.
(A9 TV; September 23rd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Violence begets terror, violence begets horror and by doing so you would be playing into the hands of irreligious people, into the hands of persecutors. Irreligiousness spreads in places where there is violence. Religion spreads in peaceful environments, in loving, compassionate environments.
(A9 TV; September 23rd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
You will see that ISIS will soon pledge complete allegiance to Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). Look, I am saying this out loud; ISIS will soon pledge complete allegiance to Mahdi (pbuh). This is a fact that our Prophet (saas) foretold.
(A9 TV; September 22nd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Muslims are advocating the strongest idea in the world right now and they are in their most determined period. Fascism, communism, capitalism, all such ideologies have collapsed. Only the way of Islam is open right now.
(A9 TV; September 22nd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The danger of fanaticism is a danger that concerns the whole world but the struggle against radicalism cannot be done with bullying. There is another option; a struggle with opinions that would yield results very easily.
(A9 TV; September 17th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
We call the dominion of an understanding of intense compassion, mercy and love originating from religion, from love, compassion and mercy that protects both Christians and Jews and irreligious people, the system of the Mahdi.
(A9 TV; September 17th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
It is not possible to become a universal state in any way other than the way of the Mahdi. That is because in the system of the Mahdi, there is love, peace, brotherhood and all these concepts are enticing. Egoism, ambition, racism, religious discrimination have no place in it. There is quality, decency, kindness, beauty and cleanliness; there are all sorts of pleasantries. Anyone in the world who is called to something like that would accept it.
(A9 TV; September 17th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Being a universal state can only be possible with a devotion to spirituality. That is to say, if you would step up as a movement of the system of the Mahdi and have sound evidence that is really shaking and persuasive, you would have Almighty God's help and then you would be able to do that.
(A9 TV; September 17th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The main characteristic of Asia is that a lack of quality rules in Asia. Human life has no value in Asia. I am not saying this about everywhere in Asia, but in general they regard people as machines. Turkey's European, loving, modern way of faithful thinking, full of love for God, will put away this dreadfulness. We will be a role model for the whole world.
(A9 TV; September 17th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Asia might have some beautiful aspects but it also has many dark aspects. The powers that prevail in Asia are generally like the mafia. We belong to Europe, to European civilization. We should not be drowned in radicalism, in fanaticism, in the darkness of Asia.
(A9 TV; September 17th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
If you idolize the one you love, if you ascribe them as a partner to God - may God forbid-, if you assume that the one you love has an independent existence, God would take that person away from you. But if you see your loved one as a manifestation of God, God would not take away that manifestation from you. Separation is a punishment for idolizing the loved one.
(A9 TV; September 16th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
If you approach the one you love with faith and with the Qur'an; if you base your love on the love of God; if you approach that one with the affection God gave; if you see him/her as a manifestation of God, Almighty God would not take that manifestation away from you.
(A9 TV; September 16th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
If selfishness, a lack of love or being invested only in self-interest engulf a society, the notion of brotherhood would seem odd for them. They would say; "What brotherhood are you talking about? I am rich and I want to be away from you all. I do not like poverty and the poor!"
(A9 TV; September 16th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
No one should be using the language of conflict. The human soul is inclined both towards anger and towards love; the human soul is inclined both towards laughing and towards crying. Laughing should preferred every single time. Love should be preferred instead of hatred every single time.
(A9 TV; September 16th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Islam is an amazingly beautiful system. If the youth could learn about it properly, there would be not one person left in Turkey that wouldn't embrace Islam. Yet they fail to understand; they imagine that hanging people, chopping up them is acceptable in religion, that their freedoms will be seized, that they will not have fun, that there will be no place for music and art in their lives. Actually these are all lawful blessings. Religion is being wrongfully explained. There is no such system. The system of the idolaters brought all those in. There is no such system in Islam.
(A9 TV; September 15th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
A political party that embraces Bediuzzaman and Süleyman Hilmi Tunahan would be embracing our people. One that would assume an attitude against them would, in a way, be struggling against our people and our people would then assume an attitude against that political party.
(A9 TV; September 14th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
99 percent of Turkey is on the reasonable path Ataturk shown. This is how it had been ever since the Ottomans; Turks have never embraced radicalism.