Prophets have always been subjected to slanders of being a magician and all their disciples were known as “bewitched”. It is an honor for a muslim to be subjected to the same slanders the prophets have endured. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
Prophets have always been subjected to slanders of being a magician and all their disciples were known as “bewitched”. It is an honor for a muslim to be subjected to the same slanders the prophets have endured.
In the beginning Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will receive hatred from people, but later on gradually increasingly he will be loved very much.
(A9 TV; October 6th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Allah will lead Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) to the seaside just like the Prophet Moses (pbuh).
(A9 TV; October 6th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Allah gave prophets an amazing tenderness and purity in love.
(A9 TV; October 6th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Allah gives a special love to the hearts of those who truly have faith and do good deeds.
(A9 TV; October 6th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Turkey is a reasonable country, no one should expect a war.
(A9 TV; October 6th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Darwinists should not be on thorns unnecessarily; they will not be called bigots when they say Allah has created proteins.
(A9 TV; October 1st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Darwinists are panicking unnecessarily. In fact they should be happy; how nice it is, Allah exists. How beautiful it is, there is Hereafter.
(A9 TV; October 1st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
It is the Iranian deep state that is communist. Mr. Ahmadinejad is not a person within that communist structuring.
(A9 TV; October 1st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
The system of the Mahdi is clashing with the system of the dajjal (antichrist) in the world right now. One should always side with the system of the Mahdi.
(A9 TV; October 1st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
The speech Mr. Ahmadinejad gave in the UN meeting was very beautiful masha'Allah. We congratulate him. This speech of Mr. Ahmadinejad should be heard everywhere.
(A9 TV; October 1st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Let us raise the awareness of the whole media regarding anti-Darwinism and anti-materialism.
(A9 TV; September 29th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Marxism is a religion and terror is the form of worship for this religion. PKK acts according to the Sunnah of Stalin and Lenin.
(A9 TV; September 29th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
The destiny of the Middle East and Asia is such that they will be saved through the system of the Mahdi.
(A9 TV; September 29th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
It is very nice that Mr. Ahmadinejad talked about Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) in the UN meeting. Yet it is a mistake to talk about Hazrat Mahdi(pbuh) as a spirit. There is no lost Mahdi, there is the real Mahdi (pbuh) and he is in the world on his duty at the moment.
(A9 TV; September 29th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
It is possible to convince Bashar Al-Assad. Turkey should get in contact with Al-Assad and Ahmadinejad. Mr. Ahmadinejad and Bashar Al-Assad should come together and announce that they want the Unity of Islam.
(A9 TV; September 29th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Secret, private meetings should be held for the cooperation of Turkey and Iran. To hold such secret meetings for goodness is the method of the Prophet Noah (pbuh).
(A9 TV; September 29th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Families should not let their daughters have anything to do with psychopaths and should protect them very well.
(A9 TV; September 25th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
It would be a mistake to look for another leader when we have Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh).
(A9 TV; September 25th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
The unity of Muslims can only be attained through the hand of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh).
(A9 TV; September 25th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Our Prophet (saas) declared that the Muslims in the End Times will gather fifty times more merits than the Companions.