Prayer(salat) is a demonstration of joy, a way of thanking. Invoking the name of Allah is a way of thanking. Eating dinner with Muslims is a way of thanking, it is a beauty. We are having fun that is a beauty as well.
The greatest ideal for Masons is to make the whole world brothers. What is it that would ensure this the best? Islam. That is why they want the Unity of Islam but not the radicals.
(A9 TV; December 31st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Jews want the Unity of Islam as well, because they will be very comfortable when the Unity of Islam is established, because they will be living comfortably in those beautiful lands Allah has promised them, because they will be in peace, tranquility and safety and because there is no other time for the King Messiah to appear. They believe that the unity of Islam will be formed simultaneously with the appearance of the King Messiah (Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)).
(A9 TV; December 31st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Why would there be clash of ideas for a Muslim? Muslims are to be allies in the Qur'an and to live the Qur'an.
(A9 TV; December 31st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
2014 will be full of action, let me say it this much. That is the year in which a great relief will come upon Muslims as well. I mean the year 2014 will be a year in which Islam, the statements of the Qur'an would exuberantly flow, insha'Allah.
(A9 TV; December 31st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Darwinist-materialist education brings about lovelessness. Without love, no affection, no friendship, no brotherhood can be established; ideas are not tolerated, without love there is no tolerance for ideas. A formidable anger, a formidable rage, a formidable hatred and lovelessness scorches the hearths of people. As the Darwinist-Materialist education continues, this exiguousness, this dire spirit would not be removed from us, may Allah forbid.
(A9 TV; December 31st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Darwinism - materialism is a system that directly denies the existence of Allah. It is a system that denies creation. So it is a system that denies all prophets and Allah.
(A9 TV; December 31st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
A big meteorite will strike the world about 2120, it will pierce through the world. And when it strikes again the direction of World's rotation will change, it will start to rotate the other way round. And after that the Last Day will be starting in great pace, insha'Allah.
(A9 TV; December 31st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Being Turkish is a culture that covers the Ottomans and Seljuqs. That is the name of the culture that prevails in Anatolia. There is no claim of racial superiority in that. Being Turkish is the name of the culture formed in the lands of Anatolia.
(A9 TV; December 31st, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
One needs to welcome all sorts of tests that come on his/her way with joy and do well by them with the utmost effort. A tough test coming on one's way means a ship full of gold is coming to him. Sometimes tests might seem to be difficult but they are all full of good deeds.
(A9 TV; January 3rd, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Bashar Al-Assad and Öcalan share the same mindset. They both are Stalinists.
(A9 TV; January 3rd, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Darwinism is taught unilaterally in the textbooks. That is very wrong. Scientific counter proofs and the fact of Creation should definitely be given place in those textbooks as well.
(A9 TV; January 3rd, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Because of the foundation we have provided, the Islamic world is at ease in their stand against Darwinists. Previously they used to be leery about Darwinists because they could not respond them scientifically
(A9 TV; January 3rd, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
PKK is in a panic because it has collapsed ideologically.
(A9 TV; January 3rd, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
The Turkish people no longer believe in Darwinism. Our faithful people have seen the invalidity of Darwinism.
(A9 TV; January 3rd, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Struggle against communism can be only done through opinion and science.
(A9 TV; January 3rd, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
IRA and PKK have different structures, it would be meaningless to make a comparison between them. PKK is a Marxist organization determined to make the whole region communists.
(A9 TV; January 3rd, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
The Prophet David (pbuh) was singing with love for Allah and dancing. At that period because he danced, there appeared some people who looked down at him in their own twisted minds.
(A9 TV; January 3rd, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
When the Prophet Moses (pbuh) goes to the Pharaoh to preach religion, he talks about creation before all else.
(A9 TV; January 2nd, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Mahdi (pbuh) and his students are very brave, courageous and intrepid in their nature.
(A9 TV; January 2nd, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Allah tells us not to act harsh against the system of the Dajjal but to approach them gently with knowledge, science and compassion.