
Adnan Oktar

Our Prophet (pbuh) has given so much detail about the Mahdi (pbuh) that his life is described in profound detail.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Some of my friends wear jilbab, some others wear revealing clothes. Also there are others wearing neither, but others. I have respect and love for all of them.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Flowers live in the most difficult conditions on the streets, but without soap or water, they are pure and clean. All are God's artistry.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Love is the medicine for the entire world. Let us call all to love.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Martyrs are our lions, they protect our nation with great courage. Their rank is so esteemed; we are in admiration of their martyrdom.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

It is wrong to promote drinking alcohol, which harms the body severely and gives enormous damage.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

We are all moving towards death. Everyone has to prepare with serious effort for the hereafter every day and each passing minute.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The PKK devastated entire Southeast Anatolia and forced our Kurdish brothers out of their homes and land. The PKK acted in senseless irrationality.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The geometrical order, symmetry and beauty on the wings of a butterfly alone is adequate evidence to have faith in God.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The entire information regarding the corn is found only in a single corn kernel including the type of fat, vitamins and minerals it contains. This is amazing.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

All flowers and fruits come out of soil and all are knowledgeable of vitamins, minerals, color and aesthetic. Coincidence can never do this.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Beauty of a fruit first comes with its bud, then the flower and the fruit. God will question each person of these beauties one by one.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

PKK's peace process means nothing but the carrying out of their impositions. Such requests will never be accepted.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Let us not allow our Kurdish brothers to live in shabby homes. We will have them reside in sunny beautiful houses with gardens.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Religion is joy, happiness and celebration. Islam is beauty.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

When an understanding that is hostile against women is promoted and spread, child molestation and homosexuality follows in turn.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

A true believer and a sincerely devoted faithful person is the wisest one in the world who acts with the most righteous conduct.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Islam in the Qur'an is joy and celebration. Yet, there are all kinds of darkness in bigotry. What we intend is the Islam in the Qur'an.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Women are the most beautiful, the most loveable beings in the world. Bigoted mindset even debates over if women are human beings or not. They advise doing opposite of what women say. This is a terrible view.
A9 TV; April 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The lovelessness in people has reached a terrifying level. Fights, incidents in sporting ? The government should introduce a national consciousness class as soon as possible so that the youth is raised as conscious individuals aware of the spiritual values.
A9 TV; April 12th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Everywhere you go around the world, you will see that all the creatures possess a perfect coloring, a perfect form, a perfect pleasantness. It is inexplicable. This is a sign of the magnificent power of God.
A9 TV; April 12th, 2016