
Adnan Oktar

Muslims should be kind, compassionate and friendly towards everyone. A loving disposition will always lead to positive results.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Some ignorant and misguided people use an arrogant and disrespectful attitude towards Christians and Jews. They are grossly mistaken.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Every healthy person has the duty of serving disabled people. You should be eyes for the blind, arms for someone who doesn’t have them.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Without love of God, everything goes wrong. People lose their ability to appreciate and love; they can’t even see and appreciate flowers or children anymore.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

People cannot appreciate and love God as much as they should. As a result, they cannot appreciate ladies, too, although ladies are the most beautiful ornaments in this world.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Haters are people who have failed to control their lower selves and who are defeated by satan. Such people should be approached like a doctor would approach their patients. We need to treat haters by approaching them with compassion like a doctor approaches a patient. These people are spiritually ill.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Sometimes courtesy is to turn a blind eye to mistakes.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Darwinism disguises itself as science to deceive the world. In fact, evolution notion is a pagan belief left over from the Sumerians.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Opposition is necessary for progress and development. But it is important to be constructive and positive at all times.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Turkey is a country well positioned to be a leader with her culture and moral values. But this will be a leadership of love.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Jihad means making an effort. It is one’s struggle against one’s lower self. For instance, constant intellectual effort against the disbelief system is jihad.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Believers should respect and feel compassion for atheists. Atheists are honestly admitting that they cannot believe. They don't lie.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Seeing ladies as potential sinners or temptresses and misogyny causes homosexuality to spread fast.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Orthodox, traditional Muslims are so convinced that women should not be free and that there should be no art, nothing beautiful, as soon as they see something pleasant, they immediately reject it.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Our traditional orthodox brothers/sisters are almost suffocating themselves with fabricated rules. They made themselves an easy target for the disbelief system.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Firing shots in the air is not a form of celebration; it is completely unacceptable. And since it risks lives, it should be punishable by laws.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Allah knows the truth, but probably Judgment Day will happen because of a big meteorite crashing into the Earth. When Judgment Day comes, there will no escape for anyone.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Satan’s whisperings, doubts can come to mind any moment. But believers ignore them by means of their faith. One’s inner self, satan attacks the mind with thousands of doubts, groundless worries, but believers just ignore them.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Deep thinking is critical in Islam. It is important to recite God’s names by knowing and thinking about their meanings.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

God’s names should not only be recited; it is important to know the meanings of the names and recite them with a great love for God.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017

Adnan Oktar

Everything that happens in life takes place because God wills it. God created Nimrod and Pharaoh, too. There is a secret wisdom behind all those incidents.
A9 TV; May 23rd, 2017