How did that hatred that led people to fire at civilians with machine guns come about? That should be thoroughly investigated.
(A9 TV; August 10th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Rumi’s philosophy is almost like atheism. Some say ‘We’ve read the Qur'an enough’ (Surely, the Qur'an is above that). This wrong thinking should be unmasked.
(A9 TV; August 10th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
In the 55th verse of Surat an-Nur God promises that the morality of Islam will prevail the world. God keeps His promises.
(A9 TV; August 9th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
In its own twisted mind, the British Deep State wants to eliminate the Islamic communities which is something beyond its might. All opinions and movements will be free in Turkey.
(A9 TV; August 9th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The British Deep State is determined to shatter the region and divide Turkey. Their new plot is to target religious communities. No one should be deceived by this plot.
(A9 TV; August 9th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Even in the most tense periods, we suggested that Turkey should offer an apology for the plane crisis and that Turkey and Russia must be friends.
(A9 TV; August 9th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
If a person wants only the good pleasure of God, even if he thinks he misses out certain things in life, he would be living the happiest life and enjoying love to the fullest.
(A9 TV; August 8th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The contrast between the immorality of the hypocrites and the beauty of our Prophet’s morality is like a diamond shining in the dirt.
(A9 TV; August 8th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The hypocrites and the unbelievers constitute two groups that God uses to exalt the spiritual ranks of Muslims. Hypocrites are like stones to step on for Muslims to rise spiritually and to increase their value.
(A9 TV; August 8th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Those who assume an attitude against Islamic Unity, against the sufficiency of the Qur’an, against Jesus Messiah and the movement of the Mahdi would be assuming an attitude against God.
(A9 TV; August 8th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
We will adorn Jerusalem with fruit orchards and make every part of it immaculately clean. There will be no problem of water scarcity. A river will run through Jerusalem.
(A9 TV; August 8th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Jerusalem, Mecca and Medina are blessed places; even hearing their names would give relief to hearts. We will rebuild the prayer house of the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) in Jerusalem insha’Allah.
(A9 TV; August 8th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
When we criticize Rumism, we are criticizing the deviant philosophy of the British Deep State, not the Anatolian Mawlavi order.
(A9 TV; August 8th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Cooperating with the PKK, providing intelligence to them, is grave treachery. Our people would never forgive such treachery.
(A9 TV; August 8th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Spraying bullets on armless people, running over them with tanks is perfidy. The whole world saw the sadist and cruel nature of the coup plotter murderers.
(A9 TV; August 8th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Coups might change the governments but cause hatred among people. What lies in the essence of Islam is winning people’s hearts with love; there is no compulsion.
(A9 TV; August 8th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Attempting to change the government through a coup and preparing lists for conducting massacres would not be acceptable anywhere. There is no compulsion in Islam.
(A9 TV; August 8th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The British Deep State does not like our President Erdoğan because he is not pretentious like they are. They don’t like him because he is an honest Anatolian young man.
(A9 TV; August 8th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Bediuzzaman advises us not to get involved with politics. Striving to subvert the state and overthrow the government, being against one’s country while countless means are presented, is a grave remorselessness.
(A9 TV; August 8th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Modernity, looking for high-quality, putting arts and aesthetics in the forefront would render Turkey very strong. The mentality causing coups does not come about in countries that hold arts, freedoms, quality and women's rights in high esteem.