
Adnan Oktar

Lying is a form of insanity and it is quite widespread among the ignorant, especially among crass people, with the aim of entertaining others and drawing attention to themselves. Because it is a form of insanity and it humiliates people, no one should ever come near it. It is vileness to lie to draw attention or to act as a know-it-all and a show off.
A9 TV; December 13th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

It is very important that Turkey has a European appearance. See that even the most conventionalist, most Orthodox ones want to go to Europe and like Europe. That means theirs is a way of life that is more suitable to human nature. There has to be arts, there have to be beautiful roads, beautiful buildings, beautiful people. Life should be beautiful. That is how human nature is. If what they have been saying was true, they would have gone to the Middle East, to Egypt, to Pakistan, to India or Iran. But they don't. Furthermore some of them hate it there, they don't want it in any shape or form.
A9 TV; December 12th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

If the bigoted appearance in Turkey increases, it would turn Turkey into a Middle Eastern country and crush her tragically. They would do exactly what they have done to Syria and Iraq. But if Turkey attains a European appearance, she would find her value and be appreciated by the whole world.
A9 TV; December 12th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

God has given very nice secrets that would keep one's mind sane. Before all else, one's commitment to God would keep away all immorality, all abnormality. Putting one's trust in God would take away the torment one does to himself. When he becomes patient, he would become friends with everyone around. When one is loyal, he would attain a personality everyone would love. When one criticizes himself, he keeps his sanity intact. When one is criticized by others, he becomes a rational, stable and loveable person.
A9 TV; December 11th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Without criticism, the lower-self makes one insane, it makes one crazy. A Muslim should criticize himself and have himself criticized by others. When one does that, he would turn into a very well-balanced, reasonable, normal person. If he has mental instability, that goes away. That insanity dissolves, that aggression goes away. His inconsistencies, his tormenting himself goes away.
A9 TV; December 11th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

If one is disturbed by the advice he is given, that is an evil disturbance. Advice has a poisonous effect on unbelievers. They don't even want to listen to the advice they are given.
A9 TV; December 10th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Muslims should feel content when they are criticized, they should not feel sick; all those feelings are from the satan. Just like satan is disturbed by the prayers Muslim perform, just like it is disturbed by the remembrance of God, it is disturbed by the advice given as well.
A9 TV; December 10th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

I congratulate all Shias because of their love towards the system of the Mahdi, because of their fastidiousness in preserving accounts about Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). The related hadiths completely conform to the incidents in the End Times. Hadiths related by Hazrat Ali (ra), hadiths that are miraculous and that have been realized openly, all come from Shias. You cannot find those accounts in the Ahl al-Sunnah sources.
A9 TV; December 10th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

God loves those who love Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). God makes those who hold on to the system of the Mahdi happy. There is a blessing in the system of the Mahdi.
A9 TV; December 10th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

One would not know himself otherwise; in that respect criticism is a perfect blessing. However satan has turned it into a spiral of disaster and pain. Criticism has a very devastating impact on some people. They are devastated and almost lose their human feelings. Look at the pain satan inflicts. Look at how satan manipulates something that is actually in one's favor, how it shows such a beautiful blessing.
A9 TV; December 10th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Being criticized by another is like looking into the highest quality mirror. How nice it is. You can preen yourself, tidy yourself. Finding someone to criticize you is as valuable as gold, it is a great blessing. But criticisms should be honest and sincere, and should not be done to disturb and offend. Criticisms should be justified.
A9 TV; December 10th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Other countries should help Jordan. The number of refugees in Jordan has reached about one and a half million. They should be given money, supported with financial means, food and clothing. Wealthy Arabic countries are constantly funneling money to weapons. Instead of spending money on weapons, spend it on those wretched people in need so that they can find relief.
A9 TV; December 9th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The reason why they are leery of my explanations about the system of the Mahdi to this extent is because I am talking about it without any superstitions and I convince them that it is true. Or else, if I were to talk about it with superstitions, they would have loved it. That would be no problem for them and no one would be angry. No one would ever object to it.
A9 TV; December 9th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The first condition of life is love. Like water, like air. You die when you cannot let air in, you die without love, the world dies, the universe dies. It is not possible to live without love. There is no bargaining in love. There is only self-sacrifice and altruism. You do not stoop to little things.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Love brings about mercy and compassion. Then you can't kill anyone, you can't hang anyone or chop up anyone. You simply solve everything with rationality and science. You solve everything with love and persuasion.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Love is the most important social and political foundation for the whole world. Love is the source of healing. Without that, the whole system is disrupted, both politics, trade and law decline and everything falls down. A cruel spirit prevails everywhere.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

They consider love as luxurious, as if it is something that would be nice if attained. But that is not the case; without love, wars break out; terror, anarchy and violence breaks out. No one is safe in a loveless environment.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Turkey should never give credit to bigotry. Turkey should be a country in which modern people reside, like Norway, like The Netherlands, like Denmark. All the cities should be like Paris and London. There should be music, there should be paintings, statues, beauties. All the cities should be like art galleries. There should be ladies wearing revealing clothes and also ladies covering their heads. There should be an environment in which the utmost freedom of speech and beauty is encouraged and enjoyed.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Egocentric people should try it and they will see. They will become reasonable, balanced people whereas they were half-insane before. Everyone would see, people around them would see it. The only condition being self-criticism.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

An egocentric person couldn't even endure or tolerate a justified criticism. He becomes purple, flushed of face, he starts to have a stomachache, high blood pressure and he becomes insane. That is because criticism offends his ego, because his whole body becomes his ego, that creates an immense allergy in his body. But when he criticizes himself, his ego would be shuttered and would stop assaulting his body. His body would be soothed and calmed. He would regain his mental balance. After that he will be able to think and talk rationally and reasonably.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Almighty God says, "Truly, man is unbridled, seeing himself as self-sufficient." What does seeing himself as self-sufficient mean? He sees himself as perfect. For instance, if you criticize him somehow, he instantly lashes out because he caught that disease.
A9 TV; December 8th, 2015