
Adnan Oktar

Letting small children be adopted by homosexuals means abandoning them to a very perilous environment. No one should remain silent about this.
A9 TV; July 7th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The British government, who took the children of the Romany family and gave them to a homosexual couple, is making a grave mistake. It should immediately be corrected.
A9 TV; July 7th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

When Muslims from various countries meet, we surmise that they will advocate the rights of Muslims yet they advocate irrelevant matters.
A9 TV; July 7th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Some Muslims who do not utter a single word while Muslims are martyred in Iraq, in Syria, in Bangladesh and so on, but only advocate for the rights of homosexuals.
A9 TV; July 7th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Some people who never talk about God, our Prophet and the Qur'an constantly advocate books that were allegedly written by Rumi.
A9 TV; July 7th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

God constantly shows people that this world is transient. Heaven is the real abode. God constantly draws attention to love towards Him.
A9 TV; July 7th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

God says, “Love Me, love each other and never forget." God makes us love Him with flowers, butterflies, with humans.
A9 TV; July 7th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Many people give in their lower-selves and the pressure of the satan but forget about love. Without love, the body collapses, sanity regresses, foresight and perception would be lost.
A9 TV; July 7th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Loveless people would never be aware when their sanity or wisdom regresses. Wisdom is such light that one would understand only when one possesses it but wouldn't realize it when he loses it.
A9 TV; July 7th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Instead of being against someone collectively, it is far more right to benefit from his reasonable ideas.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Greeks, Armenians, Jews; they are all Turkey's delight. Protecting and watching over them is good morality.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

God has a secret rule: Every incident that seems to be against Muslims actually strengthens them.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Being loveless shortens one's life, it ruins the body. The state that our body cells suffer the most is from being loveless.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Moses had relations with Pharaoh, invited him to belief. Turkey can have relations with every country and call them to friendship and right
A9 TV; July 6th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

It is blood that feeds terror. Terror cannot be repressed through violence.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The people of Britain are pure and innocent, it is the British shadow state that is treacherous and insidious.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Helping those who are in dire straits, greeting people on the streets, showing courtesy and hosting guests is a sign of high-quality in love.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

We will love all servants of God and show love to all. Those who assume showing love is artificial do not know anything about love.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

There is lack of high-quality in love in whole world. Even religious groups and cities are against each other. This spirit is not proper to Islam.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Saying that Turkey must act together with the YPG would amount to saying Turkey must share its part in persecution. No one should ever propose such unscrupulousness.
A9 TV; July 5th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

God protects those who have mercy. Granting citizenship to our Syrian guests who have been living in their tents for years would bring auspiciousness.
A9 TV; July 5th, 2016