
Adnan Oktar

Islam is not something that would be spread with exerting excessive energy. God ensures that Islamic moral values prevail. It is also related in the Torah that "God would make religion prevail in the world, merely with 12 people with strong connection with God." There is no need for such a crowd.
A9 TV; March 26th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Islam would not prevail through politics. Revealing and explaining the miracles of the Qur'an, explaining the facts leading to faith, citing the faithful, powerful people as an example, spreading the love of God: This is what we should be dealing with.
A9 TV; March 26th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Politics is very cruel in itself. It is not easy. That is why what those who strive for spreading Islam should be doing is to explain the facts leading to faith, explaining the miracles of the Qur'an, reinforcing their own faith and fervor. Otherwise they cannot cope with such things.
A9 TV; March 26th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Politics is complex. Those who are concerned with Islamic Union will not come up with anything from politics but politics can be directed rationally from a distance.
A9 TV; March 26th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The universe is created for love. Love is the foundation of the universe: Love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness. Saying "You hit me, I will hit you back ten times," is not an acceptable mindset.
A9 TV; March 25th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

We need to increase the number of special forces police officers. We need to increase the number of their schools. Our President should do such a noble thing. Special forces and the Maroon Berets. These ignoble PKK militants are being trained for a long time, for 6 to 8 years. Our lions, our soldiers are coming from different corners of our country, they are novices, those dear ones of mine, and then they are dragged into an armed conflict with the PKK. That is not acceptable. The PKK fears special operation forces.
A9 TV; March 25th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Clawing is a characteristic of a lion. Roaring is a characteristic of a lion. Our army would also roar and claw when needed as they are lions as well.
A9 TV; March 25th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The reason why women do not get involved with politics is that it is a very merciless system. It is a system of gossip, a system of corruption; an inconceivable flywheel operates. Wherever you go, you see it more or less. Of course in the time of the system of the Mahdi there will be no such thing, there will be no such merciless system. They are tormenting themselves in vain.
A9 TV; March 25th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The political world is something completely different. It is a cruel, merciless system. It is a system in which the best person would instantly be chewed up, a system that requires an enormous spirit of competition and tough struggles.
A9 TV; March 25th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Without explaining the invalidity of Darwin's theory of evolution with scientific evidence, without subverting Darwinism, communism itself cannot be subverted.
A9 TV; March 24th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Love would not come about out of the blue. God has based love upon a thousand and one different arts. Love is built upon those arts and thus brings about the greatest power on earth. The most splendid power of the universe would thus be formed; the power of love.
A9 TV; March 24th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Love is the goal of the creation of Hell as well. I mean God creates Hell to make people appreciate the worth of love, in order for people to make comparisons.
A9 TV; March 24th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

God loves love. He created the universe for love. God, Himself loves love.
A9 TV; March 24th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

It would be Hell when there is no love. God adorns Paradise as the abode of faith, He adorns Paradise with love. That is love for God, that is faith. Or else it is not the facilities in Paradise that make us happy but the existence of God.
A9 TV; March 24th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Love is the goal of the Paradise. Let us imagine that one goes to Paradise. Let us assume that there are rivers, fruit trees, mansions; there are vineyards and gardens, there are people, but there is no love. What would such a place be? May God forbid, that would be Hell. It will be Paradise only with love.
A9 TV; March 24th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Love is the goal of religion.
A9 TV; March 24th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The life span of the system of the antichrist is 40 years. What happens in 1979? Mahdi (pbuh) appears. The 40 years' struggle of Imam Mahdi (pbuh) will end about 2019. On the fortieth year, God will give him exoneration, insha'Allah.
A9 TV; March 23rd, 2015

Adnan Oktar

There is no way to stop ISIS right now. The solution of ISIS is with Imam Mahdi (pbuh), with Jesus Messiah. You will see that there will be profuse bloodshed all through 2015, 2016, 2017. Until 2019.
A9 TV; March 23rd, 2015

Adnan Oktar

We, as citizens, of course have the utmost respect for law, but judges and prosecutors should be easily held responsible. They are humans as well, just like all other citizens they should easily be held responsible. Only then we would have a healthy, sound Turkey.
A9 TV; March 23rd, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The Qur'an wants Islamic Unity. The Qur'an wants an imam to be assigned; wants Muslims to have a leader and thus refers to the system of the Mahdi.
A9 TV; March 23rd, 2015

Adnan Oktar

We would not let Turkey be separated, neither would we let them build prestige for Abdullah Öcalan. They are striving in vain on television. We would not let that happen so long as we are here. Our people would not let them and I would not let them either.
A9 TV; March 23rd, 2015