Incorrectly applied urbanization in Istanbul erases aesthetics of the city entirely. On the contrary, the city should be expanded outwards and the Bosphorus should be made completely green. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
Incorrectly applied urbanization in Istanbul erases aesthetics of the city entirely. On the contrary, the city should be expanded outwards and the Bosphorus should be made completely green.
Refuting Darwinism scientifically and being an ultra-modern country should be among the top priorities of Turkey.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
More than 700 million fossils were unearthed so far, and none of it supports evolution. On the contrary, they show that living things have always been the same for millions of years.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
A just order can be built only by means of the Mahdi movement, with the Islamic Union and through full compliance with the Qur’an. Following the Qur’an only, in a manner that is completely free of traditions and fabrications, would make this world almost a heaven-like place.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Once Darwinism is eradicated, the terror of the PKK will immediately end.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The PKK’s ideology will be destroyed when Darwinism is destroyed. The destruction of Darwinism will be a harsh intellectual blow to the atheist system in the world.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Similar to Prophet Moses (as)’ s staff turning into a living snake when he cast it down, man is created instantaneously, not gradually.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Surat al-Araf verse 172 reveals that entire humanity was created in spiritual realm as human beings who hear and speak. There was no evolutionary process. Therefore, there is no creation by evolution in the Qur’an.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Those who falsely claim there is supposedly evolution in the Qur’an should be confronted with the fact that the jinns, the angels, the residents of Heaven were created all of a sudden. Similar to the creation of the jinns and the angels at once, and not through evolution, human beings were not created through a process of evolution.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Evolutionists feel insulted after we destroyed Darwinism with scientific evidence. Now, they are making futile attempts to reconcile the Qur’an with evolution. There is no evolution in the Qur’an.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Those that seek to reconcile the Qur’an with deceit of evolution, are naturally forced to make very illogical claims. There is no creation by evolution in Qur’an.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
When we say that God’s spirit is everywhere, including the petals of a daisy, we mean to say that everything has surrendered to and controlled by God. God’s spirit pervades all space and time, the entire universe.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Ladies are perfectly able to judge the situation and protect themselves and their honor. Some men think that they should dictate ladies what to wear: This is wrong.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
It is up to ladies to decide how to dress according to the circumstances. God commands ladies to wear hijab only when they need to protect themselves.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Claiming that Islam is founded on only five pillars is not right. Islam commands the observation of all the verses in the Qur’an.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Holding needless suspicion about believers could cause many problems, may God forbid. Believers should have a clear mind and give each other the benefit of doubt.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Cats are able to display their affection very beautifully. They are also very clean animals.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Loving God, fearing God frees people of their chains. The Qur’an breaks all the chains that hold people prisoners.
(A9 TV; May 12th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
A person who lives selfishly cannot be sincere. Only a person that lives for others can be honest and sincere.
(A9 TV; May 12th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Money should be used to make people happy. One shouldn’t want it for selfish purposes. Money will be helpful and fruitful only if used to make people happy.
(A9 TV; May 12th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
When freedom and women’s rights are completely secured in Turkey, the whole world will love Islam. That’s why the British deep state is trying to stop this from happening.