
Adnan Oktar

If many countries in the world have a little knowledge about compassion, that is because of Turkey; consequently, they take the system of the Mahdi as a role model.
A9 TV; August 2nd, 2014

Adnan Oktar

I do love my Kurdish brothers very dearly. They are all very precious people. They are devout and very modern. They keep their word, they are loyal and brave. They are very hospitable people. Our people residing in the Southeast of Turkey are very spectacular. They are very precious for us.
A9 TV; August 2nd, 2014

Adnan Oktar

We would not let our homeland be fragmented. We would not allow it at the cost of our lives. We, all 80 million of us, would venture being martyrs.
A9 TV; August 2nd, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Everything should be solved with love. God makes all those who side with love successful.
A9 TV; August 2nd, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Love beautifies everything. Love is the reason of beauty.
A9 TV; August 1st, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Love is the reason of existence of the world. Love is what God loves the most. It is the purpose of existence. God creates the whole universe for love; because He loves love. And love is also what He wants to have among people. He wants Himself to be loved.
A9 TV; August 1st, 2014

Adnan Oktar

There is so little time left for the Last Day. By the leave of God, it seems that it is necessary for both Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and Jesus Messiah (pbuh) to know about the Broken Letters. That is because there is no one else who could make use of them right now, they are the last ones that could make use of them.
A9 TV; August 1st, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Vacating a region when there is an attack is the wisest move. It means to retreat. It means immigrating. If there is a danger at the door, and if there is no immediate solution, one should immigrate. Immigration does not mean that one would not return to his home later on. Our Prophet (saas) immigrated as well, but he returned victoriously. The Companions immigrated and they too returned victoriously. Immigrating is a solution.
A9 TV; August 1st, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Mahdi (pbuh) is being concealed by God behind veils. May Almighty God give permission to Mahdi (pbuh), may He give him the authority. Right now Almighty God does not give him the permission to appear. Once God tells him to appear, no one could ever stop him.
A9 TV; August 1st, 2014

Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar

The system of the Mahdi is not kept on the agenda. The descent of Jesus Messiah is not kept on the agenda. They are developing plans against the plan of God. If you attempt to develop plans against God's, God would tear yours to shreds. There can be no plans other than God's.
A9 TV; July 29th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Mahdi (pbuh) is a fervent implementer of love. He is a man who fervently distributes love that the whole world needs to the whole world.
A9 TV; July 28th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

You will never ever see the origin of matter until the end of times. Only God knows the origin of the matter.
A9 TV; July 28th, 2014