If a person could get inside a chromosome and witness that system he could never stop prostrating all his life. If he could enter a human cell, if he could become a protein and witness the working system there, if he could carry out the duty of a protein himself, if he could wander around inside a cell he would be out of breath with awe, he would fall in love with God. One should be able to get inside that, inside that human cell with his heart, with his mind.
One should see what God means. God wants to draw us near to Him; He wants us to remember Him. If you insistently resist remembering, if you do not want to get closer to God, disasters will fall upon you like rain and they will keep coming.
(A9 TV; May 18th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
At the moment, there are clouds of meteors waiting all around the world: That is something that indicates the closeness of the Last Day. They are all waiting for God’s command to attack.
(A9 TV; May 18th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Violence brings about violence. Only with love, mercy, friendship and brotherhood can stability and balance be attained in Libya.
(A9 TV; May 18th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
One’s connection to God should never be severed. If one severs his connection to God, he would lose his trust and submission to God. Once that happens, he would become very tense, angry and uneasy. Submission to God is one of the greatest blessings on Earth that should never be forgotten, even for a second.
(A9 TV; May 15th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The burden that bigotry and radicalism brings about is very weighty. It ruins the society, it ruins people; it makes countries totally ruined.
(A9 TV; May 15th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Keeping a straight face, keeping silent, constantly sulking, being worn out and exhausted; those acts would make the satan smile, they would make the satan rejoice. A Muslim would never act in that way. That would be unlawful and unbecoming in the religion.
(A9 TV; May 14th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
One should refrain from those who do not fear God, from those who do not act on faith, those who do not act with the Qur’an. That is because they have no fundamental law. You would never know what they are thinking. They could do anything. But a Muslim does have a fundamental law and abides by the laws of God.
(A9 TV; May 14th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
If you have faith you need to be transparent and sincere. Only then would people who look at things sincerely and transparently approach you with love as well.
(A9 TV; May 14th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The spirit of showing compassion to women would increase love for women as well. Some people only see women as sexual objects. They would then approach them in the spirit of hatred. Compassion and the spirit of mercy and protection would increase love in folds. Actually compassion is mentioned all the time in the Qur’an. I mean there is love mixed with mercy, a protective kind of love.
(A9 TV; May 14th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Everywhere would be radiantly enlightened for Muslims because they would look at everywhere with radiance, with faith. God enlightens everywhere for them, He turns everywhere into Heaven for them.
(A9 TV; May 14th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Mourning is only acceptable in the sense of respect, in the sense of showing courtesy, concentrating on the topic, being interested and concerned with it. It is not in the sense of being frantic with sorrow, crying, wallowing, freaking out, and feeling pain. Those would all be ascribing partners to God.
(A9 TV; May 14th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Robotic machines should be used in mines, man power should not allowed in mines under the ground.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
May God close the foresight of those who wish to divide Turkey, may God take away the perception of those who wish to disintegrate Turkey. May God make all disasters envelop them. We would never let Turkey be divided in any way.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Churches are the houses of God, synagogues are the houses of God and so are the mosques. Everyone can worship wherever they like. God rendered the whole world a place of worship for us.
(A9 TV; May 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Islamophobia is formed because of radicalism. That is the doing of bigots. Without the system of the Mahdi, bigots would have erased Islam from the face of this world. The system of the Mahdi is the reason why Islam remained in this world. The system of the Mahdi is the reason why they fail to disintegrate Turkey. Or else, they were planning to raze Turkey to the ground.
(A9 TV; May 9th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
If one feels frantic with sorrow for a person who's gone to the Sight of God, who's gone to His Heaven; if one cries his eyes out grieving that means he doesn't appreciate what God created; that means he is rebellious against God, may God forbid. But if he thanks God for what He created, if he praises Him, if he welcomes this ultimate union, his meeting His Lord with joy, if he welcomes passing to Heaven; that is a characteristic of a Muslim. The other is the characteristic of idolaters.
(A9 TV; May 9th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Mourning after a deceased person was a custom of the idolaters of Mecca. It is a pagan tradition reminiscent from the Sumerians, from the ancient Greek.
(A9 TV; May 9th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
There is no meaning to life without religion, may God forbid. I live for religions, for God, we all do insha'Allah.
(A9 TV; May 9th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Religion is the other name for the Middle East. Religion is the spirit of the Middle East. Middle East wouldn't exist without religion. Life wouldn't exist without religion.
(A9 TV; May 9th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Unity can clearly be attained with the spirit of the system of the Mahdi. Everyone says; "let us be in unity." But no one would ever take such wishes seriously. Racism, sectarianism, regionalism, even district based discrimination is widespread. Since our Prophet (saas) is very well aware of this trouble on his ummah, he specifically charges his Mahdi with that task.