There are no ambiguous rulings, ambiguous commands in religion. Everything is explicit and clear.
(A9 TV; October 5th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
There is no need to numb people; both Mahdi (pbuh) and the Jesus Messiah (pbuh) have appeared, they are both alive and active.
(A9 TV; October 5th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Our Prophet (saas) has hundreds of hadiths about the portents of the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). These hadiths are even stronger than mutawatir hadiths because they have been realized exactly as foretold by our Prophet (saas). If a hadith has been realized that becomes a clear ruling.
(A9 TV; October 5th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
The ruling about hypocrites is very harsh. In the Hereafter even irreligious people will be in a better place than the hypocrites.
(A9 TV; October 5th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
This hatred and fear policy against Israel should be put away instantly. And Israel should keep away from unnecessary skepticism.
(A9 TV; October 4th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
It is not compliant with good conscience to grudge that tiny land to Israel. Israelis are hardworking, intelligent, valuable people.
(A9 TV; October 4th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
The best help that could be given to Israel is to establish the Union of Islam. Israel will benefit from the security and peace of this union.
(A9 TV; October 4th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
There is persecution everywhere in which people do not abide by the Qur'an.
(A9 TV; October 4th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Neither hypocrites, nor materialists could ever have any power apart from what God wills for them.
(A9 TV; October 4th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Anyone who likes can criticize religion but no one can insult. I criticize communism but I would not let anyone insult communism, I would not let anyone curse them.
(A9 TV; October 4th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
The Republicans have a cruel approach to health reform in USA.
(A9 TV; October 4th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
God showed people that the world will be in straits in any system other than the spirit of the system of the Mahdi numerous times and He continues to do so.
(A9 TV; October 4th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
God says; "Mahdi is the solution." And some people say, may God forbid, "No, I know better." Well then, you will keep groveling and there will be no end to your troubles. Looking for ways other than the system of the Mahdi will only bring about a deadlock.
(A9 TV; October 4th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Other than the Union of Islam, there will be no solution in Egypt. Things cannot be settled with parties or groups, but with the system of the Mahdi.
(A9 TV; October 4th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Almighty God sent Jesus Messiah (pbuh) and the Mahdi (pbuh) to put away lovelessness.
(A9 TV; October 4th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
People have not been taught about love, they have constantly been taught about violence. Hatred and lovelessness settled firmly in a great majority of society. The state should make it a national issue to teach love and sweep away hatred.
(A9 TV; October 4th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
No one would ever come close to Islam as it is misrepresented by the radicals. If Islam is preached in the way radicals rule, there will be an enormous animosity against Islam in the world. But if it is preached in its original form, as it is in the system of the Mahdi, the whole world would instantly accept it. Even communists would very willingly accept Islam. That is because there is freedom, tenderness, aesthetics, beauty and democracy in Islam.
(A9 TV; October 3rd, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
The system of the Mahdi will put an end to wars. Otherwise conflicts would constantly go on. Is it over in Iraq? No it is not. It wouldn't be over in Syria and in Afghanistan either. That would only come to an end with the system of the Mahdi.
(A9 TV; October 3rd, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
No one on earth would ever accept Islam if they present it as if it is radicalism. But even communists would accept the real Islam.
(A9 TV; October 3rd, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
We see the need for the system of the Mahdi everywhere and in every single matter.