Great ideals, great cases are not dealt through logic. This is also the case with the system of Mahdi. What can be accomplished with 313 people? In compliance with logic, nothing can be done. But it can be accomplished by wisdom. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
Great ideals, great cases are not dealt through logic. This is also the case with the system of Mahdi. What can be accomplished with 313 people? In compliance with logic, nothing can be done. But it can be accomplished by wisdom.
The compassion and interest shown to the families of martyrs is a requisite of morality and faith and being a Muslim.
(A9 TV; May 10th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Considering from an inner outlook, a person can not think anything other than what is predestined for him. For instance, veils are being opened. He says, “I have contemplated deeply and attained this profundity” but the fact is however, the hour when he will think deeply is evident. The time is evident. Other than that he can not think deeply.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
A Muslim will be very intelligent. He will contemplate, have a deeper contemplation. He will have a more profound contemplation. He will be attached to Allah with sincerity. Then Allah opens the veils in his mind stage by stage. Otherwise, those veils will be closed.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
The majority of people do not have faith. A very difficult environment exists, diseases, difficulties, breakdowns come into being. A MUSLIM WILL NOT DISTRACT HIMSELF FROM HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH ALLAH.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
OF COURSE WE MUST BE ABLE TO THINK DEEPLY. THE QUR’AN ALWAYS ENCOURAGES US TO THINK PROFOUNDLY. People always ask for ready information. They want the evidence about the existence of Allah to be obvious in the Qur’an. They want the miracles of the Qur’an to be out in the open so that they would be forced to have faith in Allah. Well this would not be the case.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
There are young girls of a graceful build but they grow old and die in a short while. So do young men. They grow old and die in a very short time. BEING ATTACHED TO THIS WORLD IS IDIOCY. A VERY SMART PERSON TURNS TO THE ACTUAL OWNER OF THIS WORLD. HE TURNS TO THE REAL OWNER OF LOVE AND BEAUTY. THIS WOULD BE THE MOST INTELLIGENT ATTITUDE, INSHA’ALLAH.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
A person who is of sound mind is responsible for his own mind. That is to say, he can not use others as an excuse.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
The number of people may be much below our anticipation. There may not be many people. The majority may be dead. There are so many dead people in this world. THEY LOOK AT THE DEAD AND SHOW SUCH AN UGLY DARING. THE REASON WHY PEOPLE ARE SO FURIOUS IS BECAUSE THEY TAKE THE DEAD AS AN EXAMPLE.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
You have to have a rational outlook. They say, “My friend is so and so.” Your friend appears in your brain. You will have an idea of who is your friend and who is not in the hereafter. YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THAT MANY OF YOUR FRIENDS ARE ZOMBIES, THE LIVING DEAD. For instance they say, “My mother is so, my father is so.” They can also be zombies. Your parents can be zombies. They may be the people onto whom Allah has not blown His spirit.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
People swerve from the true path by looking at the majority of people. In a verse Allah says, “If you follow the majority of people, they divert you from the true path.” You will not abide by the majority. There is one Allah and you. You will look at the Qur’an.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Allah creates human beings as cruel and ignorant. That is why people look at others and make errors. They say, “That person has no faith, the other is an imposter and the other is abnormal. In the verse Allah says that the majority of people do not have faith, and those who have faith ascribe partners to Allah. This is the provision of Allah. There is nothing to be astonished with it.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
One needs to focus all his attention and love on Allah.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
What if people could see the state of those ladies and men, who have boasted about themselves throughout their lives, in their graves? For instance, if they could ever see the form those bodies would take after the first 20 to 30 or 50 days; they would have no attachment to this world at all.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Whoever is conscientious, he sides with Allah. Whoever is unconscientious leaves Allah and pursues his own pleasures. He tends to this transitory world.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
That is how Almighty Allah creates the test. This is the wisdom of Almighty Allah. He shows it as a mere 50 percent to 50 percent. The people of faith makes up 51 percent and above while disbelievers 49 percent and below.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Is there a problem of jurisprudence or weakness of faith? The weakness of faith. This is the problem of the entire world.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Those who want to grasp the essence of the religion must look at the Qur’an with attention. There are so many verses related to the weakness of faith.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
There is nothing in this world. It as a mere place of trial. But Allah creates people with very dim intelligence. Allah makes them love this world and looking at that, people are deceived.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
THE WORLD IS TEMPORARY. ONE SHOULD NOT FEEL ATTACHED TO THIS WORLD. One must be wise. At first sight, one may feel the urge to love this world but we understand that we are living in a metaphysical world.
(A9 TV; May 8th, 2012)
Adnan Oktar
Status is not important at all; at the end of the day we eat one portion of food. One may become the CEO of some such company, it is just a title. It is more important to be the CEO of the hearts of nations.