
Adnan Oktar

God razed the PKK to the ground. The life of a persecutor is short. The discussion is over. This region would never become Godless or Bookless; the PKK failed to see this fact. How could the Middle East become faithless and irreligious?
A9 TV; September 25th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

ISIS would not assume an attitude against Turkey. It appears that they will most probably become a state. They would have a command in the whole region but it is not possible for them to constitute a threat to Turkey and Turkish people. They would then be destroyed. All of them would then be burned. They can never do that.
A9 TV; September 25th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Bringing ISIS into line is something that requires maximum half an hour's talk. It is possible to persuade them all in at maximum half an hour. That is because once you persuade their leader the rest will be persuaded. That is easy. The tough one is solved; the tough one was the PKK.
A9 TV; September 25th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

PYD, PKK, etc. These are all over. The PKK disappeared into thin air. They've shown their cowardice. They have shown their helplessness, their cowardice. That matter is fundamentally over. It is seen that ISIS has a command over the region and that they will continue to have that.
A9 TV; September 25th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

The PKK is over! There is no more PKK! That is the end of discussion. It is very easy to bring ISIS into line. The PKK is Godless, Bookless, faithless. Persuading them is next to impossible, they are treacherous and fickle.
A9 TV; September 25th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

People are prone to love. If you show the least bit of love they would instantly run towards that side. If you approach them with brotherhood, if you call them to peace and friendship they would instantly accept that call. They feel down when both sides refuse to accept because of pride. However if one side were to say it loud they would all accept it. But you would have to be a little bit insistent.
A9 TV; September 25th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Let bygones be bygones for all our people. The scourge of the PKK is over! They should not attempt to bully Turkey in vain. They are pathetic. They are unable to get out of their caves in the rocks.
A9 TV; September 25th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

In the time of the Companions, the results were all taken with love and compassion. The love of our Prophet (saas) became famous and hundred thousands of people became Muslims in groups. They came to embrace faith not because violence was perpetrated, but because of love.
A9 TV; September 24th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Those ones filled with love, those who are compassionate are the ones who will rule this world. The Turks are the true owners of the world in terms of morality, in terms of love, in terms of compassion and friendship. God is preparing the Turkish nation for this task.
A9 TV; September 24th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

ISIS will always be respectful towards the Turkish army, towards the Turkish nation and eventually they will enter into the service of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). From that point on, no blood would be shed and neither would a sleeper be awakened. Not a single drop of blood would be shed, not even a single person's nose would bleed. You will see in the coming years that all I've been saying will come true. .
A9 TV; October 1st, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Being Kurdish means being faithful. Being Kurdish means being in love with God. Being Kurdish means being a decent, honorable person who is fond of his family, fond of his children. So PKK, our Kurdish people would hate you! They would only feel hatred towards you!
A9 TV; September 23rd, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Religion classes in the syllabus would not cause youngsters to become religious; they simply give them general knowledge. But if facts leading to faith were to be taught in religion classes, if the miracles of the Qur'an were to be taught, then we can say that a faithful, devout youth is being aimed at.
A9 TV; September 23rd, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Being a communist is not an offense but being a terrorist, anarchist, ferocious organization is an offense. Otherwise if it were to remain on the intellectual level, be a communist, defend any other ideology you like we would not be concerned by any of them. You can be an atheist, you can be a communist, but if you attempt to employ violence and terror, we would be standing against you. We would not let you do that.
A9 TV; September 23rd, 2014

Adnan Oktar

We've been explaining night and day that PKK is a Godless, Bookless structure. Ideas are the most powerful weapons in the world and that has wiped out the PKK.
A9 TV; September 23rd, 2014

Adnan Oktar

What should be done against ISIS is to engage in an intellectual struggle. If you attempt to respond them with communism, if you attempt to stand against the ideology of ISIS with a Godless, Bookless, irreligious, faithless ideology, they would rout you; but if you respond to them with Islam, with the Qur'an and if you criticize the system of idolatry while doing so, you would then be successful anyway.
A9 TV; September 23rd, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Jihad: "Jahd" means striving. These people, however, understand jihad as chopping people up. Instead of chopping up that person, would it not be better if you try to persuade that person, if you persuade that person with your ideas? When you chop that person up you would be annihilating that person, he would not have the opportunity to be a Muslim! Yet if you preach religion, if you tell them about God, they would come to believe.
A9 TV; September 23rd, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Violence begets terror, violence begets horror and by doing so you would be playing into the hands of irreligious people, into the hands of persecutors. Irreligiousness spreads in places where there is violence. Religion spreads in peaceful environments, in loving, compassionate environments.
A9 TV; September 23rd, 2014

Adnan Oktar

You will see that ISIS will soon pledge complete allegiance to Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). Look, I am saying this out loud; ISIS will soon pledge complete allegiance to Mahdi (pbuh). This is a fact that our Prophet (saas) foretold.
A9 TV; September 22nd, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Muslims are advocating the strongest idea in the world right now and they are in their most determined period. Fascism, communism, capitalism, all such ideologies have collapsed. Only the way of Islam is open right now.
A9 TV; September 22nd, 2014

Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar
