Both in Judaic resources and in the Torah it is stated that Moshiach/Mahdi’s soul is created before the creation of the Universe.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Hadiths tell that dajjal will die spiritually at the feet of Mahdi. Mahdi will abolish satan’s mischief.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The Torah elucidates that there will many ordeals and troubles that Moshiach/Mahdi will go through and he will come to recognize himself from the fact that he is not shaken in the face of these trials. The Torah explains in detail about the dajjal’s movement which organizes evil against Moshiach-Mahdi in the end times.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Since there will be abundance in all aspects at time of Mahdi, envy will cease.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
It is not right to complain about the PKK’s ideology while not making any intellectual effort against it. Terror will end only when the Darwinist-materialist philosophy behind it is eradicated.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Our Syrian guests are dear to us; they are God’s blessing for us. Those who don’t like them are the ones who lack compassion.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The hadiths describe the physical characteristics of Mahdi in great detail. He is one with a beautiful smile, a prominent forehead, and broad abdomen.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Some Muslims do not ponder over matters of faith sufficiently. Faith in destiny, the angels, and the Hereafter all should be reflected on deeply.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
In order to enjoy love sincerely, fear of God is essential. There would be no sincere love without fearing God.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The existence of satan and events that seem unfavorable are essential for believers to develop their wisdom and character.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Hadiths tell that before the advent of Mahdi, his positive influence will be seen and felt in the entire world.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The Ark of the Covenant will be found at time of Mahdi. The Ark of the Covenant will bear a spiritual effect that gives peace and tranquility to people.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Claims that life occurred through coincidence is total superstition; it is the worst explanation for our existence. Evolution is a pagan idea that explains everything by chance, not science.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
We will see Jesus Messiah (pbuh), the Mahdi, the Ark of the Covenant and all the holy relics preserved in it by the will of God. All are marvelous.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
May God save the aggrieved ones by the hands of the Mahdi and Jesus Messiah (pbuh) and let the two personages appear in soonest time.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Love is the subject that satan opposes the most. It aims to destroy love and beauty. Films that incite hatred and violence serve satan without people’s knowing.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Islam provides a vast opportunity for love to flourish. Islam forms the basis for love, encourages it and opens the way for it to develop.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
There are people who have been raised distant to love and compassion. We will persistently teach them about the spirit of the love in the Qur’an.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The innocence, pureness and cleanliness of children is like an instance from the life of Heaven.
(A9 TV; February 20th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
We will live in Cyprus as brothers. But it is out of question for us to give away any land.