
Adnan Oktar

For one to live by the Qur'an, the Qur'an should be all around him. He should have the Qur'an right by his side, at his desk. He should hold on to the Qur'an like bread, like water.
A9 TV; October 1st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Just like the PKK that gives an ideological education, we need to give an ideological education to Turkish soldiers, police officers and Turkish youth. "How can we attain national unity and integrity? What is the danger of PKK? What are the characteristics of communist organizations? How can communism get foothold? Why is the philosophy behind communism tainted and wrong? Why is Darwinism invalid?" All these matters should be taught in schools. Or else, may God forbid, there will be nothing left remaining from Turkey.
A9 TV; October 1st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

There is a struggle of survival. Turkey will either vanish completely, or become exalted and lead the whole Islamic world and the Turkish world; she will reach a beautiful point and wait for God to bestow that holy leadership on her.
A9 TV; October 1st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

National conscience is the most crucial subject matter. If we lose Turkey, what good could come if one is an engineer or not? That is why we need to put courses on national conscience in our curriculum as soon as possible.
A9 TV; October 1st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

There should be courses on national conscience in our curriculum. Lessons on the communist threat, the threat of partitioning Turkey, the dangers of Darwinism and materialism, on how to resist and respond to these ideologies should be taught by experienced teachers for at least three hours a week.
A9 TV; October 1st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Love is the meaning of life. Hatred is far more difficult and it destroys one spiritually and physically. It destroys society, brings down social life and the economy. Hatred is dreadful.
A9 TV; October 1st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

What God is interested in particular is the love felt for Him. One should be madly in love with God. God approves the love one feels with his faith in the Unseen, without losing the free will of his mind.
A9 TV; October 1st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Eat, drink and travel; anyone can do that. There will be hardships, there will be illnesses, there will be difficulties, there will be troubles and scourges and you will love God deeply just the same against all odds. That is what Almighty God loves the most.
A9 TV; October 1st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

People living in the swamp of unbelief are seriously polluted by that impurity. That smudge is seen on them. It reverberates on their flesh and bones, in their skin, in their gaze, in everything they have. That ruthless smudge of that merciless world contaminates them all over. When that person starts living by Islam, that smudge would leave that person gradually.
A9 TV; October 1st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The more hardships suffered, the more the good deeds acquired would be. The difficulties Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) encounters are countless. Every single hardship encountered is a step ahead. For instance, think about a 1,000 kilometer-long ladder, 1,000 kilometers of ascending steps; one climbs up incessantly and the spiritual ranks he attains elevate incessantly.
A9 TV; October 1st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The longer one remains in this world, the more one might have the means to improve in the spiritual sense. After one passes away, after one goes to Heaven, there would be no need for courage, loyalty and everything else. They only eat and drink and have fun, praise God and become like the angels. That is why being in this world for a long time is rewarding as well; that is because when you remain in this world, you acquire millions of good deeds.
A9 TV; October 1st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Those who become victorious in their struggle against the whisperings of satan are called faithful. The whisperings of satan would be incessant, Satan would constantly pester you. Bediuzzaman says, 'Even if the armies of doubt come at one's door, verified faith would resist, but imitated faith would be defeated.' That is why we are preparing books on the facts leading to faith and make them available for you. I mean, we do that for you to be able to resist against the armies of doubt. Muslims become heroes because of their resistance and they thus become valuable in the Sight of God.
A9 TV; September 30th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Muslims talk about God wherever they are. Life and religion are intertwined. One remembers God while he is having a bath, while he is eating and he talks about God wherever they are and in any event. There is not a moment, not a place in their lives that they do not remember God. One should see that he can live comfortably live with the Qur'an, read the Qur'an very easily, wherever he is. The Qur'an will be with you wherever you go, the Qur'an will be right by your side when you go to bed and you will remember God when you are in bed as well.
A9 TV; September 30th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

When you support the PYD, you would be supporting Öcalan and all the other communist organizations founded by Öcalan such as PJAK, the YPG, the PKK and all that. These organizations constitute a whole anyway. There are at least 20 organizations gathering around the PKK and they are all PKK militants. If you support any one of them you would be supporting the PKK. If you legalize one of them, you would be legalizing all of them.
A9 TV; September 30th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The only fault of ISIS in the eyes of Europe is that they are Muslims and nothing else. I mean this reaction is not caused by their being terrorists, but by their being Muslims. That is because as we see, they are not concerned at all with the communist PKK. The PKK martyred tens of thousands of our people and they do not even care. They are trying to found a communist state in those lands and that does not concern any of them.
A9 TV; September 30th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

No matter how far the European Union pushes all it comes to one simple fact. Is autonomy a danger for Turkey or not? It is a danger. Thus, we won't accept it. The lofty interests of our homeland, of our people, of our country constitute our basis. The demands of the European Union are no concern of ours. Autonomy would cause disintegration in Turkey, that is an explicit fact.
A9 TV; September 30th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

There is no one in the world who does not believe in the real sense of the word; that is how it is according to the Qur'an. All people, without fail, believe in their hearts but some hide their belief because of their lack of conscience. I mean they proclaim the opposite of their belief by oppressing their good conscience.
A9 TV; September 30th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

75 % of Afghanistan is under the control of Taliban right now. The US and Russia bombed them with all their might. Millions of people have been martyred. What happened? The Taliban is still the governing force. Their struggle lasted 15 years and 44 countries participated. NATO participated but they couldn't stop the Taliban and they cannot stop ISIS in Syria either. Things won't happen as they imagine they would.
A9 TV; September 28th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

An incomprehensible violence, an incomprehensible savagery has engulfed the whole world. Imam Mahdi (pbuh) has to appear. May Almighty God make Jesus Messiah appear. May He make Imam Mahdi (pbuh) appear. The time for that is approaching. They won't appear in 2015 on in 2016. But 2017, 2019 to 2021, these are sensitive dates.
A9 TV; September 28th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

If the world forgets about love, troubles would replace it. They should never forget this. 250,000 people have died in Syria, during the US invasion in Iraq 1.5 million people died and again in Afghanistan millions have died; what kind of a method is this? They have left millions of enraged people behind. Now all of those people side with ISIS or the Taliban. This is not an acceptable method. Results can only be attained through love, science and understanding.
A9 TV; September 28th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

We should have courses on national conscience in our curriculum and raise awareness in our youth in political sense. Keeping silent against the propaganda of the PKK is not acceptable.
A9 TV; September 28th, 2015