EVERYTHING EARNS MEANING AND BEAUTY WITH ALLAH’S EXISTENCE AND HIS PUTTING US TO TRIAL. We are being educated in a perfect way. Then living for all eternity in that way is very pleasant. It never ends. Quadrillions of years pass, but it is as if it is yesterday. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
EVERYTHING EARNS MEANING AND BEAUTY WITH ALLAH’S EXISTENCE AND HIS PUTTING US TO TRIAL. We are being educated in a perfect way. Then living for all eternity in that way is very pleasant. It never ends. Quadrillions of years pass, but it is as if it is yesterday.
Knowing Allah is not something that demands an extraordinary talent. A PERSON OF NORMAL INTELLIGENCE NOTICES ALLAH’S EXISTENCE TO THE END. He knows it exactly and has faith in the true sense of the word. If I suddenly come out of a room, I come across a very decent system; there are cups, pencils, beautiful people. What kind of a meaning would I attach to it? The first thing that comes to my mind is, “It has an Owner”, “There is a Creator.” Is there anything to be amazed at this?
(June 24th, 2011; A9 TV, Kocaeli TV)
Adnan Oktar
You have not come to feel at ease in this world. You have come to be a servant to Allah. ALLAH DOES NOT GIVE EASE TO A PERSON WHO DOES NOT WANT THE UNITY OF ISLAM. Peace will not prevail in any place of the world. If they want the Unity of Islam, then peace and relief follow.
(June 24th, 2011; A9 TV, Kocaeli TV)
Adnan Oktar
There exists a movement, a disorder somewhere. You say, “They probably want the Unity of Islam.” They say, “No, we want to feel at ease.” But Allah does not give you ease; Allah gives you trouble. No peace will prevail in any place in the world. If they demand the Unity of Islam, then peace and ease will follow.
(June 24th, 2011; A9 TV, Kocaeli TV)
Adnan Oktar
DOES A VISITOR COME TO A PLACE WHERE HE IS NOT WANTED? ISLAM ALSO DOES NOT COME TO ANYWHERE IT IS NOT INVITED. The Islamic World must invite it. It is not coming because it is not invited. Allah does not send it.
(June 24th, 2011; A9 TV, Kocaeli TV)
Adnan Oktar
You are struggling under the earth; come over and rule that land. The rest would already be handled. You remain under and tickle the feet of unbelievers like ants. Nothing would come out of it; that is not a method to employ. They idle around. THE MAIN ISSUE IS THE UNITY OF ISLAM, THE TURKISH ISLAMIC UNION. ONCE YOU ACCOMPLISH IT, THE SOCIAL AS WELL AS POLITICAL ISSUES WILL BE SETTLED.
(June 24th, 2011; A9 TV, Kocaeli TV)
Adnan Oktar
Let’s think about the most handsome man, the most beautiful young girl. They will be buried; you will also be buried. THERE IS NO SUCH THINGS AS A HANDSOME SKELETON OR A BEAUTIFUL SKELETON; THEY ARE ALL THE SAME.
(June 24th, 2011; A9 TV, Kocaeli TV)
Adnan Oktar
This is a very great realm, IT IS OF AN AMAZINGLY SMOOTH NATURE; ATOMS ARE LIKE RAZOR BLADES. The entire universe is in this state. And nothing happens to them. For fifteen billion years, no harm has come to this universe. It constantly revolves. Almighty Allah ordered it to “Revolve” and it accordingly revolves. IT IS NOT KNOWN FROM WHERE ITS ENERGY COMES FROM, IT CONSTANTLY REVOLVES. YOU HAMMER ON ATOMS, THEY RECEIVE NO HARM. YOU DETONATE AN ATOM BOMB, IT STILL GETS NO HARM; YOU HAMMER WITH A SLEDGE-HAMMER, IT STILL REVOLVES; NOT THE SLIGHTEST HARM. THIS IS A VERY GREAT PHENOMENON.
(June 24th, 2011; A9 TV, Kocaeli TV)
Adnan Oktar
The body does not belong to you; neither do the soul and the memories. You lay claim to them, and then you say that you have gone through so much suffering. When they lay claim to them, they suffer. There is a metaphysical secret there. AS YOU GO LAYING CLAIM TO THEM AND THUS ASCRIBE PARTNERS TO ALLAH, SUFFERING MULTIPLIES. AS YOU QUIT ASCRIBING PARTNERS TO ALLAH, PAIN DISAPPEARS; RELIEF AND EASE COMES.
(June 24th, 2011; A9 TV, Kocaeli TV)
Adnan Oktar
Allah considers trial to be precious; He considers “people” precious and important.
(June 24th, 2011; A9 TV, Kocaeli TV)
Adnan Oktar
The Pharaoh attached great importance to the Torah, very much importance. Not because he believed in it; because he considered it to be dangerous. He very much benefited from the information in it, but he simply did not believe. That is to say, he assessed the Torah in the sense of merely benefiting from it, not in the sense of abiding by it.
(June 24th, 2011; A9 TV, Kocaeli TV)
Adnan Oktar
THE WORLD AWAITS HAZRAT MAHDI (AS) FROM ALL ASPECTS. This is the need of America, Russia, the Islamic world; this is the need of everywhere. An honest, wise and sincere person must lead.
(June 24th, 2011; A9 TV, Kocaeli TV)
Adnan Oktar
Even the first letter of history is not written. They do not let history be written. They do not let it. The history of the world is written by five to ten historians. The pseudo-scientists must be eliminated. There are archeological findings; they hide them or break them apart. All this will end with the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as). Let me see if they can break them or hide them if they can. Who knows what secrets are hidden in this world; all of them will be revealed.
(June 24th, 2011; A9 TV, Kocaeli TV)
Adnan Oktar
For instance a person becomes sick and he pins his hopes on his medicine. THAT MEDICINE IS GOOD FOR NOTHING; IT IS ALLAH WHO MAKES EVERYTHING HAPPEN. A person has pain in his arm; he massages his arm and the pain goes away. BUT ALLAH MAKES THAT MASSAGE ON YOUR ARM. ALLAH DEADENS THAT PAIN. ONE MUST NOT MAKE THAT MEDICINE OR THAT TREATMENT INTO AN IDOL FOR HIMSELF.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
My soul is clear. I have exuberance, I am full of love. I am good; I protect everyone, I treat everyone with goodness. Notice that I have no possessions whatsoever in this world. I have nothing, I EXPEND EVERYTHING ON THE PATH OF ALLAH. I also did not get married. I DEVOTED ALL MY EXISTENCE TO Allah. I withdrew myself from all aspects of social life. In this time of the night, I constantly recite Allah’s name, I remember Him. We go home and continue it until the morning, Insha'Allah.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
COMPLEMENTING IS BEAUTIFUL, LOVE IS BEAUTIFUL. I like complementing and to be complemented. I would like to look at the beautiful as much as I can. I continuously complement, I please people. I praise what is beautiful; that is how my soul feels satisfied. I like it. I would like to look at something beautiful as much as I want. I express my love for her. This is how Allah created us. This is how Paradise is. Insha'Allah, the heart is full of love. Full of Allah’s love; that is how Allah creates.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
WE COMPLIMENT Allah, WE PRAISE ALLAH’S BEAUTY. We say, “Our Lord; you are very beautiful, you are infinitely beautiful.” While we compliment, we compliment the manifestation of our Lord. Allah makes us love someone.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
IN THE SYSTEM OF THE MAHDI (AS) THERE IS ALWAYS LOVE, AFFECTION AND COMPLEMENTING. We will converse until the light of the morning; we will have enjoyment, laugh and talk, Insha'Allah.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
LIGHT FLOWS FROM THE FACE OF A MUSLIM. A MUSLIM IS LIKE LIGHT. A person becomes beautiful with her attitude, self-care, quality and her style; she does not become beautiful with her flesh and bones…For instance she may have a hunched back, but light flows from her face; light comes out of her and you feel relief and joy with her; your heart finds contentment…For instance there are some sisters of ours; they do not like themselves and they become introverted; she simply can’t see the light inside her. The fact is however, IF SHE ACTS WITH THE LIGHT OF FAITH AND WISDOM, SHE BECOMES THE MOST BEAUTIFUL IN THE WORLD. She becomes the most beautiful in the world with her beauty, cleanness, self-care, quality and wisdom.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
Show me an ugly Muslim. Let me see one. A MUSLIM CAN NEVER BE UGLY. He does not become ugly with his mouth, nose or brows. Light flows from the face and hands of a Muslim. Where is an ugly Muslim; I have not seen one so far. If there is one, they must bring her to me and show me. Let us see if he is ugly or not.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)
Adnan Oktar
The understanding of social justice in the Marxism is directly quoted from the Torah but it has been distorted. It is quoted from the creed of Hazrat Mahdi (as) in the Torah, from the Psalms and the Qur’an. That is to say, Karl Marx tried to turn it into a fake system of Mahdi.
(June 23th 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Kackar TV)