
Adnan Oktar

Every society harbors both good and evil people. A society cannot be collectively cursed. Such an understanding of curse is not fitting to the Qur’an.
A9 TV; December 21st, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The behavior recommended to all Muslims in the Qur’an is to treat the People of the Book with love, respect, affection and compassion, to protect and watch over them and to meet their needs in the finest manner. The pronouncement of the Qur’an regarding the People of the Book is crystal clear, and is also clear from the Sunna of our Prophet (saas). The people of the Book are our La Ilaha IllaAllah (there is no god but Allah) brothers.

Adnan Oktar

I have a duty to support the innocent, let it be Christians or Jews, I am responsible for the protection of the People of the Book. This is something the Qur’an commands me. It is Allah’s command. Allah does not tell us to kill the People of the Book wherever we find them. They are entrusted to us by Allah.

Adnan Oktar

Our brothers must have nothing to do with the corruption of bigots and fanatics who want to “slaughter the People of the Book.” It is the way of the dajjal that encourages them in that perverse way of thinking. CHURCHES AND SYNAGOGUES ARE UNDER ALLAH’S PROTECTION. That is in a verse from the Qur’an. OUR MUSLIM BROTHERS MUST MAKE UP FOR THE OPPRESSION OF JEWS AND CHRISTIANS BY TREATING THEM WITH LOVE.

Adnan Oktar

I SPEAK OF ALL THINGS, PROVING THEM WITH VERSES AND HADITHS. We treat the People of the Book as commanded in the verses. Allah says we must invite the People of the Book to say ‘La'ilaha'il'Allah’ (Allah: The One and Only God) in a kindly manner.

Adnan Oktar

THE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK HAVE A DUTY TO ACCEPT OUR PROPHET (SAAS). There is only one true Book, the Qur’an. EVERYONE MUST ABIDE BY THE QUR’AN. If Christians say, “We are followers of Muhammed,” then the Prophet Jesus (as) will be very pleased. The Prophet Jesus (as) will come as a follower of the Qur’an, insha’Allah.

Adnan Oktar

The global secret state wants war between Muslims and the People of the Book. We do not want a bloody war against the People of the Book. We have a duty to speak the gentlest words to the People of the Book. ALLAH WANTS CHRISTIANS TO SAY “LA ILAHA LA ILALLAH”.
6 July 2011; A9 TV, Gaziantep Olay, TV Kayseri and Samsun Aks TV

Adnan Oktar

The People of the Book are responsible from the Qur’an. Some of them say Prophet Jesus (as) is “Allah” (Allah is beyond that). 99 percent of the Christians are thus faithless. What is the point of being adrift in such misery while there is the true religion of Islam emanating light?
A9 TV; March 20th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

Compassion for the People of the Book is a very vital issue. It is the morality of our Prophet (saas), it is a commandment of the Qur’an.
A9 TV; April 29th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

Israelis are the People of the Book. By forging an alliance with the devout people of Israel, we need to strive to annihilate irreligiousness from the face of this World. Living in peace with the Israelis, living brotherly, friendly with them; backing them up and having them back up the Palestinians would be the best move. And that would be made possible with the Unity of Islam, with the system of the Mahdi, with the appearance of the Moschiah.
A9 TV; March 9th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

We should protect and watch over the People of the Book, we should protect and watch over Christians. We should approach them with compassion. We will altogether annihilate the system of the antichrist (dajjal) spiritually. Hand in hand with the Christians and hand in hand with the Jews, insha'Allah. They also say that "Allah is One".
A9 TV; April 7th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Let us embrace our Christian brothers and sisters fervently with love. Our brothers should protect and watch over them everywhere. In the streets, in the malls, they should love and respect them everywhere. They should thus keep their bonds of neighborhood strong. Allah wants us to treat Christians compassionately. Allah wants us to treat the People of the Book compassionately; so we should treat Jews compassionately as well.
A9 TV; May 19th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Time will come for the People of the Book to come to believe in the Jesus Messiah altogether, insha’Allah.
A9 TV; May 19th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

In Egypt, a policy of compassion should be adopted towards Israel as well. An attitude that would make Israel uneasy is not compliant with religion. Showing compassion to the People of the Book is the command of the Qur'an.
A9 TV; July 6th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Within the radical mindset there are some people who give a so-called sanctity to hatred towards Jews. Jews are People of the Book, God would not consent their being persecuted.
A9 TV; July 28th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Armenians are the People of the Book. In the Qur'an God demands us to treat them kindly.
A9 TV; October 3rd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

We used to live together with Jews, Armenians and Greeks as brothers. They are the People of the Book and are entrusted to us by God. Again with the establishment of the Turkish Islamic Union we will insha’Allah embrace all of them with love.
A9 TV; April 23rd, 2014

Adnan Oktar

People don’t understand that the actual struggle is against the system of dajjal [antichrist]. This is why we face such extraordinary incidents.
A9 TV; December 20th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The attempts to drive a wedge between Russia and Turkey is an exercise in futility. As a nation, we’ll not allow such sedition to occur.
A9 TV; December 20th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites do not like to engage in any work; they want to delegate everything to Muslims, they want to be a burden on others.
A9 TV; December 20th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Satan devastates human beings by instilling the most unbecoming doubts; likewise hypocrites devastate one’s mindset, the environment and everything else.
A9 TV; December 20th, 2016