
Adnan Oktar

Even though the people of the South East [of Turkey] are devoutly religious they are voting for the left wing. This shows the severity of the pressure applied on them in that region. Whereas the danger of the PKK [terror organization] in that region should have been made zero. When that happens, the people living there will enjoy utmost freedom and their votes would be clean and lawful like mother’s milk. But an election held while there is intimidation and an atmosphere of violence, with pressure exerted and with PKK making appearances would not be healthy.
A9 TV; March 30th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

God is the One Who gives goods to people. If people attempt to keep all they are given as their own possessions, the body becomes gangrene, the whole system becomes gangrene. The social system, life becomes gangrene, economic crisis starts and people plunge into afflictions.
A9 TV; March 29th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Satan shouldn’t be allowed to deceive people by presenting salat and other religious services as difficult, Millions of people keep aloof from religion just because taking ablution and performing prayers are presented as if they are very difficult to do.
A9 TV; March 29th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

All the commands of the Qur’an are like livesavers. Or else people would be suffocated, life would suffocate them. Men are already living inside the stream called life. People succeed to remain alive without being suffocated because of these beauties. Without these blessings people would be suffocated and sink under this water
A9 TV; March 29th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

One would be happy and have his mind relieved when he performs his prayers, when he performs ablution, when he submits to God’s will, mentions the Name of God, reads the Qur’an. God has created man in a way that he would feel that need. One would be suffocated if he doesn’t live all these beauties. These are all blessings that prevent one to be drawn in that water, these are lifesaving blessings.
A9 TV; March 29th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Submitting to God’s Will is the greatest comfort in this world. Palaces wouldn’t make one happy, but submitting to God’s Will would. Once you submit to God’s Will, all sufferrings would dissappear. That is because man is created as weak. God has created this as a blessing to man.
A9 TV; March 29th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

One should seek refuge in God from profligating. One should seek refuge in God from tyrannizing. One should seek refuge in God from being haughty. If you behave haughtily, if you become a tyrann, if you profligate, God would destroy you.
A9 TV; March 29th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Love is a requirement. If you attempt to attain something with egocentricity, the egocentricity you will be facing would suffocate you. If you step up cunningly, even more cunning ones would suffocate you. If you attempt to play tricks, the one you are facing would play ten times more tricks. Beauty cannot be attained with tricks, with rouses and with fraud; it can be attained with honesty, sincerity and love.
A9 TV; March 29th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Russian people sufferred a lot. The world should protect them and show compassion to them. We should not leave them to their own means. It is a cold country, a cold climate, an outcasted community. We should put these away and approach them with compassion.
A9 TV; March 29th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Love is the remedy for all troubles.
A9 TV; March 29th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

All troubles in the world stem from lovelessness. Lovelessness brings about lovelessness. Lovelessness brings about violence.
A9 TV; March 29th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

The duty of the Mahdi (pbuh) is to be a man of love. He teaches love and beauty; this is his profession. God makes one love, God makes one love all those He created. The person charged of making the world a place like heaven is called the Mahdi.
A9 TV; March 28th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Mahdi (pbuh) is the person who performs everything that is beautiful, everything that is really very very beautiful. He is the one who will encourage the performance of beauty, the one who will perform beauty and who will make the world perform beauty.
A9 TV; March 28th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

When we love a person we love him/her for the good pleasure of God. What does the good pleasure of God mean? It stems from the services rendered for Islam. Does he/she unite Muslims? Does he/she ensure unity? Does he/she work to quell dissension? Does he/she develop an attitude against division? If we see all these in a person, we should love that person for the good pleasure of God. We feel that love as a religious observation.
A9 TV; March 27th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

It is not right to pick a side among Muslims. There should only be alliance, unity, brotherhood in between Muslims. Anything on the contrary would be religiously unlawful.
A9 TV; March 27th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

A Muslim would pick the side of Islam if he/she is forced to pick sides in between irreligion and Islam. A Muslim cannot be impartial; he would then be staved off.
A9 TV; March 27th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Returning to the times of Ottomans is never a possibility. I mean there is no policy to be called neo-Ottomans. There is only the policy of the system of the Mahdi. The system of the Mahdi is what we call the unity of the Islamic world. And the person to lead that unity is called the Mahdi. That will be made possible with the support of the Jesus Messiah.
A9 TV; March 27th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

One cannot become a Mahdi simply because he wants to become the Mahdi or by working hard for it. One is born to be the Mahdi (as) and God preordains in destiny who Mahdi (as) will be. Fame and making fuss wouldn’t ensure it, working hard wouldn’t ensure it. It is all about the heart. The system of the Mahdi is all about profound faith.
A9 TV; March 27th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

One wouldn’t become the Mahdi by striving for it. One wouldn’t become the Mahdi by propaganda. The Prophet Moses (pbuh) did not become a prophet by propaganda; he didn’t become a prophet by striving for it either. He became a prophet because of his morality, because of his patience in the face of hardships.
A9 TV; March 27th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Turkey should immediately and urgently conduct a peace operation in Syria together with the other Islamic countries. If the Islamic countries make a move altogether, no one would ever resist it since it would be evaluated as a faith related, Qur’anic and moral initiative. Even if they did it with five countries, the problem would be solved with only those five countries.
A9 TV; March 27th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

Votes collected through violence cannot be called votes. It is a shame. Just like extorting money is simply extortion, intimidating a person to extort his von, intimidating a person to have his vote would be extortion. Consequently that is not an ethically acceptable act.
A9 TV; March 27th, 2014