Death is waking up from a dream. After that moment, after death, the images continue uninterruptedly. The life in this world is a dream. Death is passing to a sharper image from that dream. Muslims would never face anything that would upset or disturb them after the moment they die. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
Death is waking up from a dream. After that moment, after death, the images continue uninterruptedly. The life in this world is a dream. Death is passing to a sharper image from that dream. Muslims would never face anything that would upset or disturb them after the moment they die.
Protection of women is a very important issue. Prioritizing women in every sphere of social life should be guaranteed with laws. Before anything else, everyone should see little girls as members of their own families. If there is a young girl in an environment, every family should protect and watch over her just like they would their own daughter. Young girls are very delicate beings that should be protected conscientiously. Sometimes families oppress their children very much, people should not remain as observers to such oppression.
(A9 TV; February 28th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Anyone who truly knows Alawism would admire Alawites. Alawism means maturity and love. Alawites are people who close the door to bigotry, who are deeply devoted to Hazrat Ali, Ahl al-Bayt, our Prophet and above everyone else to God. Alawites are valiant people with an artistic soul. No one should ever pay attention to those who talk against Alawites.
(A9 TV; February 28th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Every woman is created with a system that measures and recognizes the depth of love very well. When a woman sees love, she measures, scales and knows it thoroughly. There is no woman who would not understand it, there are only those who lie to themselves. Such people only use love as a cover when they jump at the opportunity saying ‘I do love him a lot!’ they see someone very rich or someone with a post without even thinking about love. It is not that person that they love, it is money.
(A9 TV; February 28th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Some people hold big headed, pedant types in awe. They coddle those who act snobbish. They think very little of those who talk about love. One needs to see lack of love as a moral corruption and not give those who do not talk about love the time of the day. The doors of hatred should be closed tight. Hatred is a serious problem in the Middle East, it is important to avoid everything that might incite hatred.
(A9 TV; February 28th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
The most difficult times are the times that emphasize the friendships the most. One gets cancer and no one takes their calls. Those with whom they have gone to parties up until that day pretend not to know them. That is a grave moral turpitude. Discarding one’s friend is a grave cruelty.
(A9 TV; February 28th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Many people do not feel ashamed of hatred. They do not take offence from lack of love. The headlines in many websites are either cynic or full of rage. It is not possible for one to live with that much hatred. Love is a very beautiful, very pleasurable feeling. It is outright abnormality to resist love despite the beauty of it. Such people cannot even appreciate the blessing of the beauty when they go somewhere beautiful, they disturb everyone when they go somewhere with their filthy mouths. They take a boat trip and reprimand the captain, they go out to dinner and reprimand the waiter, they go out for shopping to a mall, they look around with their ice cold gazes. This is groveling, not living. Even in the best of conditions a hateful person would be groveling, not living.
(A9 TV; February 28th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
When one remains aloof from faith and belief, God would systematically give troubles to that person. There would be a constriction in his mind. The understanding of happiness would be strangled, there would be no power left in his soul for happiness. The doors of sorrow would be opened and the doors to happiness would be closed. Reasoning and judgment would be disturbed. The minds of those whose hearts are devoted to God would be open, their horizons would be broadened and they would be under the special protection of God. It is not possible to harm those who are under the special protection of God, even if the whole world join forces to do so.
(A9 TV; February 28th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
A smart, intelligent woman would naturally be attractive. Both the gazes and the voice of a smart woman would be very attractive. Every sentence such a person forms would bring her appealing. Intelligence turns a woman into a magnificent power. But the majority of women keep their minds under pressure because of their emotionality, fears, worries and unnecessary apprehensions. That prevents them from experiencing the beauty of their natural disposition as is due.
(A9 TV; February 27th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
The word ‘Mahdi’ creates a feeling of relief at the hearts of believer. Unbelievers and hypocrites, on the other hand, do not like hearing the word ‘Mahdi’ or the system of the Mahdi.
(A9 TV; February 27th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Siding with love against all kinds of difficulties is the foundation of wisdom. Those who become wild in the slightest clash of interest cannot keep love going. Love is a blessing given to a few people and is a great blessing that necessitates making an effort.
(A9 TV; February 27th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Fear of God is actually one’s worry about the possibility of losing God’s love. This fear is the foundation of love and wisdom. Love becomes strong with fear of God. A believer would always be content with everything that comes from God and would face everything that befalls on him with joy. The fear a believer feels is not the fear of being tormented, it is the fear felt about the possibility of losing the love of God Who loves us this much and Who gives all these blessings.
(A9 TV; February 27th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
By the year 2023, Turkey and the Islamic world would be the entering a very enlightened era with the Grace of God.
(A9 TV; February 27th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Believers would want to go to Heaven gloriously with the honor of having proven their love for God to themselves. Going to Heaven after being tested and trained in this world would be a glorious departure and a great blessing.
(A9 TV; February 27th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
It is not acceptable to participate in the discourses carried out with a hypocritical mindset by those who use satirical language fueled by rage and anger towards religion. If there is someone who does that unwittingly, you warn such a person with kind words and say; “what you are doing does not comply with the Qur’an,” and that person would then regret doing so and would not do it again, insha’Allah.
(A9 TV; February 27th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Some families do not teach their children about love. Love is the greatest necessity for children. Children should know how to experience love in all details. They do not teach love of God neither do they teach to love those God created. This is one of the greatest disasters of the End Times.
(A9 TV; February 26th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Believers live with their good conscience. A person who doesn’t live by his good conscience is actually nothing more than corpse. It is impossible for such a person to have meaningful eyes. It is ungratefulness what hurts people the most and what makes them take a dislike to one another. Believers should constantly behave conscientiously and fiercely avoid ungratefulness and selfishness.
(A9 TV; February 26th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Our President Mr. Erdoğan is like a lion masha’Allah, he is complete Anatolian young man. May God give him a long and auspicious life. Our President Mr. Erdoğan will always be the leader of our nation also in 2019, 2029, 2039, with the help of God insha’Allah. He is always in front of the eyes of our people with his good morality, him honesty and sincerity. Our President Mr. Erdoğan was raised by our Master Necmettin Erbakan. He is a faithful and conscientious man of cause, just like our Master Erbakan was. Mr. Erdoğan is never deceived by the fuss people make and he listens to his good conscience all the time.
(A9 TV; February 26th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
Remembering and praising the Greatness of God would have an amazing impact on a person’s soul. Submission to God and putting one’s trust in God would be built on that foundation. Think about all the atoms in one of the objects you see around in your room. God is the One Who knows when and where every single of those millions of atoms would pass through and in which orbit they would all move. Not trusting the Supreme Wisdom that creates and knows the order in all those atoms would be a grave remorselessness and irrationality.
(A9 TV; February 25th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
The ability to talk sincerely is not something that is bestowed on everyone. People who are able to talk sincerely are rare. Sincere speech would have an amazing impact on the other side. A sincere tone of voice has a magnificent impact. Most people, because they are embarrassed to do so, or because they do not fully trust the ones they are addressing, talk with an imitated tone of voice and make insincere speeches. With his tone and gaze, a sincere person would be able to take his beloved one to a totally different and beautiful dimension.
(A9 TV; February 25th, 2018)
Adnan Oktar
It should be made clear that no one should give credit to the false reports made about the Afrin operation. Turkey is advancing very cautiously and very carefully because she is painstakingly careful about the protection of civilians. Turkish army is very conscientious and merciful. There are some provocateurs who want to create an atmosphere as if we are giving so many martyrs. In such a period the best thing to do is to close ranks around the national leader. We – as the Turkish nation- are beside our President Mr. Erdoğan and our honorable army, with God’s help. We will never surrender any piece of our homeland to the system of the dajjal. It is time that the British deep state and their sycophants drum this thoroughly into their heads.