Chatham House is an implementor of the Greater Middle East Project. Those who wish to make Muslim communities transparent should start with Chatham House. - Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar
Chatham House is an implementor of the Greater Middle East Project. Those who wish to make Muslim communities transparent should start with Chatham House.
We will expand the issue of hypocrites. The gravest trouble upon the Islamic world is hypocrisy.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
For the first time in our history the intellectuals are writing articles uncovering the British Deep State and we have pioneered in this. Now the door to grace has opened, everyone is aware of it.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Russia, Iran and all countries have realized the plots of the British Deep State.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
If Turkey, Russia, Pakistan and Iran ally, it would be impossible for the British Deep State to target such a great force.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Shooting someone in the back who is an ambassador in our country and who is entrusted to us is severe turpitude. It is not an action that a Muslim would do.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Every café should include books which would encourage the conversation loving people to come. Every café should be like a library.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The US supporting the PYD would mean it supports a Stalinist state. The formation of such a structure in the region would harm every party.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Due to the British Deep State’s foolish venture of the Greater Middle East Project massive blood has been shed in Syria and Iraq. We’ll soon see its plots collapse.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Most people don’t understand that the power against Turkey is the British Deep State, which is a ferocious structure in its ideology and philosophy.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The real power behind Russian ambassador's assassination is not NATO, but the British Deep State. People should not be fooled by a deep state’s diversions.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
God wants us to love Him and turn towards Him.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
While everything that is created is good for a Muslim, it is malice for the hypocrite.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Russians are decent people. They struggled to make Russia and Turkey foes, yet we did not let that happen. We won’t let hostility with Iran either.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Being against a community as a whole is unacceptable. A Muslim only dislikes the one who oppresses and his struggle is against oppression.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The claim that the Jews are cursed is not true according to the Qur’an. God has cursed only a definite group of Jews that had acted immorally at that particular point in time.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The Ark of the Covenant is being protected by angels and it will be found at the Mahdi’s era. No one can discover the Ark of the Covenant except for the Mahdi.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Every society harbors both good and evil people. A society cannot be collectively cursed. Such an understanding of curse is not fitting to the Qur’an.
(A9 TV; December 21st, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The behavior recommended to all Muslims in the Qur’an is to treat the People of the Book with love, respect, affection and compassion, to protect and watch over them and to meet their needs in the finest manner. The pronouncement of the Qur’an regarding the People of the Book is crystal clear, and is also clear from the Sunna of our Prophet (saas). The people of the Book are our La Ilaha IllaAllah (there is no god but Allah) brothers.
Adnan Oktar
I have a duty to support the innocent, let it be Christians or Jews, I am responsible for the protection of the People of the Book. This is something the Qur’an commands me. It is Allah’s command. Allah does not tell us to kill the People of the Book wherever we find them. They are entrusted to us by Allah.
Adnan Oktar
Our brothers must have nothing to do with the corruption of bigots and fanatics who want to “slaughter the People of the Book.” It is the way of the dajjal that encourages them in that perverse way of thinking. CHURCHES AND SYNAGOGUES ARE UNDER ALLAH’S PROTECTION. That is in a verse from the Qur’an. OUR MUSLIM BROTHERS MUST MAKE UP FOR THE OPPRESSION OF JEWS AND CHRISTIANS BY TREATING THEM WITH LOVE.