
Adnan Oktar

By presenting themselves like Muslims, hypocrites stick to Muslims like leeches. They dastardly seek only their own interests.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites are incredible liars. They find a pretext for everything. When they commit an immoral act, they immediately find a pretext for it.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Adhan [call to prayer] and sala bring relief to the heart. Adhan brings ease and abundance.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

We see the British Deep State being dastardly around President Erdoğan. He will never remain alone in this great struggle.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites feel an immense greed for food. They are dastardly inclined to lust and food. They nefariously use lust in order to use people.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The hypocrites call themselves peace-makers while they actually cause corruption. The British Deep State coordinates hypocrites and uses them in generating sedition.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

In order to keep its minions under its grip, one of the phrases that the British Deep State uses is “We’re family.”
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The hypocrites are serious trouble-makers for the society. Without disclosing hypocrisy in the real sense, it is impossible for Muslims to live in peace and ease.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

One feature of hypocrites is to impute crimes to Muslims. They always slander Muslims. They also did this in the time of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites are liars and thieves in all aspects, but they impute all the atrociousness in their souls to Muslims.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites are insatiable; they always come up with new requests. They always want more no matter what they get.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The British Deep State ostensibly appears to desire world peace, but what it essentially wants is bloodshed, dread and trouble.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Qarun said that he has been given everything owing to the information he possessed. The hypocrite also comes up with a similar unwise claim. The hypocrite makes it a habit to plagiarize.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The British Deep State tries to win hypocrites by promising to help them in making an elite circle of friends for them.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

It’s very important for hypocrites to get acquainted with prominent people. In order to accomplish this, they engage in all kinds of flattery.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The British Deep State uses its minions for prostitution; thus they enslave these hypocrites to their system.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites have their method of sharing each others’ secrets. By disclosing their secrets to one another, they become enslaved to one another.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

As long as hypocrites exist, irreligion triumphs despite our best efforts to communicate Islam. First the filth of hypocrisy must be cleansed intellectually.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Even the existence of bees is sufficient to have faith in God. A tiny being establishes its hives with miraculous engineering and makes no single mistake.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Not getting accustomed to the miraculous signs leading to faith around us is very important.
A9 TV; December 3rd, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Believers should not have sleeping minds, on the contrary they should always be full of life and energy. A comatose spirit will not befit believers.
A9 TV; December 2nd, 2016