
Adnan Oktar

Believers are put to the test through hardship. This world is not a place of fun. There will be trouble and you will persevere.
A9 TV; April 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

If we do not consider the Qur’an to be sufficient, Allah says that He will then bring shame on us, that He will ruin us in this world. And what has happened to the Islamic world? It has disintegrated. What are the bigots doing? They consider the Qur’an to be inadequate.
A9 TV; April 30th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

These so-called “honor killings” are immorality, cruelty, remorselessness and psychopathy. Murdering someone is among the greatest of sins.
A9 TV; April 28th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

Allah does not want artificial love. He does not want compulsory love. He wants the fervent love of a lover. He wants that suffering that goes hand-in-hand with love.
A9 TV; April 28th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

ALLAH PUTS US ON TRIAL, FOR ALMIGHTY ALLAH WANTS GENUINE LOVE. If everyone loves one another like robots, if Allah made it obligatory for them, you would be loving each other under compulsion. That is not what Allah wants. ALLAH WANTS US TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER AMID PAIN, SUFFERING AND HARDSHIP.
A9 TV; April 28th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

Absolute non-existence can not exist. If one asserts that he exists, then everyone has to believe that Allah exists for all eternity. A second alternative is not acceptable. This is unlikely, there is no return from it.
A9 TV; April 28th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

When one says, “I exist”, when a being is mentioned, it is not possible to talk about “non-existence” any more, for, when one considers it for some time, it is understood that “absolute non-existence” is absolutely impossible.
A9 TV; April 28th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

How nice it is to be under the control of an infinite power. This is also so beautiful for the physical health, and the health of the mind and soul. How nice it is! You are under the control of an infinite power and you are entrusted in Him.
A9 TV; April 28th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

Normally no man can be irreligious. Technically in the creation of man, in his brain structure, there does not exist such a system. That is to say, even that person who says that he fiercely denies Allah, absolutely believes in Allah. He harbors doubts and gives a 50 percent chance to it. And that is faith.
A9 TV; April 28th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

If you are a patriot and would like to protect the poor, then advocate the system of Mahdi (as) . If you are in favor of peace, it exists in the system of Mahdi (as). If you are in favor of social justice, in the time of Mahdi (as), even the poorest man will go and give his goods back saying that he feels ashamed that he has lots of possessions.
A9 TV; April 28th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

A bigot is both pitiless and, because he asserts he acts in the name of Allah, he silences the other party. That is why he is very dangerous.
A9 TV; April 28th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

The religion is very beautiful, Islam is very beautiful. There is no allowance for bigotry.
A9 TV; April 28th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

A bigot is irreligious, and this is a very great peril. All bigots are irreligious. A bigot is a psychopath, a maniac, he is the satan who has taken the form of a human.
A9 TV; April 28th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

Allah wants to love and be loved for all eternity.
A9 TV; April 28th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

Allah creates His servants so as to love them. Allah wants to be loved, and He loves His servants. He also likes to be loved.
A9 TV; April 28th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

All might belongs to Allah. It is Allah Who makes us speak, Allah Who leads us. We do not treat people as if they are idols. Allah is the Glorious One. People are poor, they are only the poor servants of Allah.
A9 TV; April 28th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

To Whom do the images belong? They belong to Allah. To Whom does our love belong? To Allah. How can one forget about Allah? There is such an abnormality. Allah wants us to be thankful, and in return He says that He will increase His blessings upon Us. That is because everything belongs to Him.
A9 TV; April 29th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

You are all images created by Allah. When a person says, “I don’t like Allah, but I love you”, then this is great cruelty, immorality, remorselessness and idiocy. How can such an image come into existence without it being created by Allah? And once it comes into being, who will make you love it? Allah will make you love that image.
A9 TV; April 29th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

A secular, democratic system will come into existence properly, insha’Allah. The time of oppression, the period of violence will come to an end. Insha’Allah.
A9 TV; April 29th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

Everywhere will be beautiful like flowers. We will beautify the provinces, villages and towns. We will embrace the Europeans, the Jews, the Christians and the Freemasons. They will all be the followers of our Prophet (saas).
A9 TV; April 29th, 2012

Adnan Oktar

Wherever there is woman, sins come to an end there. At those places where there are the women, lawful deeds appear. Perversion, immorality appear where there are the bigots.
A9 TV; April 29th, 2012