
Adnan Oktar

Believers are obliged to protect and watch over each other. The Qur'an introduces a guardianship system. A believer should protect other believers like they are his own brothers and sisters.
A9 TV; February 29th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Occasionally, the hypocrites display positive behavior. This is a tell-tale sign of the beginning of a new attack. For example, they treat everyone well and speak nicely, but this only lays the groundwork for a serious attack. In other words, this behavior is the beginning of an attack plan satan has granted them, impregnated them with. In other words, it is usually doubtful for a hypocrite to be cured of his hypocrisy; he will surely attempt something, try to initiate a new attack.
A9 TV; February 28th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites generally try to avoid Muslims. The reason they do this is that if someone attacks Muslims, they might get arrested, blacklisted, beaten, or insulted and they do not want their reputations to be damaged.
A9 TV; February 28th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites always aim for being the closest to the Muslim’s leader, or the prophet. This is the position hypocrites desire the most to reach, because in that position their attacks, their strikes, will be the most effective. They regard this position as vital as it is the focal point to hinder the activities of the Muslims and provide intelligence to their satanic masters.
A9 TV; February 28th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites are incorrigible maniacs whose fierceness knows no bounds. The grudges and hatreds of the hypocrites know no end as they can never calm down. In other words, they are typical maniacs. Just like a tuberculosis patient, their insanity regresses when they are given effective antibiotics, but when the dose of the drug is reduced, even a little bit, they will proceed to attack immediately. And sometimes the hypocrisy virus develops immunity to the drug and is unaffected and it tries to get ahold of the body.
A9 TV; February 28th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites do not know what love is. They only use love as a means, as a tool. It is a means for the hypocrites to attack, to behave immorally and viciously towards Muslims. In other words, the hypocrites exploit love to disturb Muslims, to carry out vile deeds against them. They say, "I visited out of love", or, "I spoke out of love", or, "I do this out of love."
A9 TV; February 28th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites use a very treacherous and evil method when they attack. They make Muslims look like unjust, oppressive, witless people and make themselves look like cautious, wise and conscientious people who are on the right path.
A9 TV; February 28th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Be it a prophet or a leader of Muslims, hypocrites focus on whoever is the center of power and influence among Muslims. Satan grants them an undivided focus. Hypocrites attack that person with all their attention.
A9 TV; February 28th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

In the Qur'an, hypocrites do not target all Muslims. This is very important. Prophet, Imam, or whoever is the leader of Muslims at the time; hypocrites become obsessed with that person and target whoever they believe to be the most influential. In other words, that person becomes their greatest enemy, their biggest target and then the hypocrites become obsessed with the people the prophet or whoever is the leader in that era trusts the most.
A9 TV; February 28th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Being sincere is a pleasant feeling. It is quite therapeutic for the body. Sincerity makes people feel relieved. Insincerity causes stress; in other words it causes the mind to become atrophied, exasperated. People feel at ease when they are sincere.
A9 TV; February 28th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites believe that they talk accurately, eloquently and beneficially. In other words, they believe that they always speak properly. However, they leave those who listen to them astounded. In other words, people are baffled by their instability. But hypocrites do not realize this. For example, they cannot see how witless they are. In other words, they cannot realize that they are mentally instable.
A9 TV; February 27th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

In order for a pious, religious generation to be raised, first of all the invalidity of Darwinism must be explained scientifically. It is impossible to get religion across through a dialectic philosophy.
A9 TV; February 27th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The reason teens grow up to be short tempered is the Darwinist education system. People who go through a Darwinist, materialist education become loveless. It is religious ethics that provides the sense of love.
A9 TV; February 27th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites have an instinct to constantly travel. They use tediousness as an excuse to do so: For example, they use their businesses or their families as an excuse and wander around. Hypocrites can never achieve peace of mind; they carry around their troubles, discomfort on their shoulders everywhere they go. They run from their troubles, and their troubles trail behind them.
A9 TV; February 27th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Hypocrites assume themselves clever for staying away from Muslims, and think that Muslims cannot see through their foolish ploys. They think Muslims and God will approve of such behavior. They are under the assumption that they can deceive Muslims, as well as God [God is surely beyond that].
A9 TV; February 27th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

In every era, even in the era of the prophets, there were people that were "wimps", so to speak. These people would abstain from being near to the prophets since they were afraid of going out, afraid of their families, their fathers, their mothers, afraid of losing their jobs, their education and their education. They would stay in touch as minimum as possible and actually stay away, keeping their distance and visiting every now and then. The reason for their occasional visits was that they believed they could deceive God in the afterlife, [God is beyond that ].
A9 TV; February 27th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

When the hypocrites speak, they sound erratic as if they are drunk. But in their own madness, it is impossible for them to realize this. They possess a schizophrenic mentality. They have schizoid personalities as they talk maniacally and erratically, but they are not aware of this.
A9 TV; February 27th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

What the hypocrites really seek is to become God, to become superior to God. This is the actual ambition that drives the hypocrites. Therefore, they deem all Muslims witless while regarding themselves as clever and eloquent.
A9 TV; February 27th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

When bothersome hypocrites realize that they are suspected of their true intentions, they cease their activities for a while but the moment attention is off them, they will return to their foul ways, their vile activities. They will start to bother Muslims, resort to villainy again and do everything in their power to disturb Muslims once more.
A9 TV; February 27th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Seditious hypocrites take a break when their attempts at sedition are noticed but they then wait for the moment when Muslims become distracted. Thereafter, they proceed to attack once again. In other words, the hypocrites lie in wait for the atmosphere and the conditions to settle down.
A9 TV; February 27th, 2016

Adnan Oktar
