Being an Alawite is being a man of love, one who appreciates arts and beauty. It is being an honest Muslim. Alawites are brave beautiful people, we are proud of them.
God shows us that the salvation of the whole Islamic world is in embracing the moral values of the Qur’an and uniting around a spiritual leader, that is to say, in the system of the Mahdi.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Some people do not want to think about how short the life in this world is and some others are in fact spiritually dead beings living like machines.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Weakness in faith would devastate a person; it would make one unhappy no matter what he wears, what he eats, or where he goes. With strong faith, one would find happiness even in a hut.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Strong faith is what makes one happy the most. Without strong faith no matter what, one could never attain true happiness.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Thinking rationally and logically one would easily see that hatred and resentment is meaningless and that one only harms himself with these feelings.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Idolatry lies beneath the feelings of hatred and resentment. These are feelings stemming from not understanding destiny. One should not forget that God is the One Who creates everything.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Some of our bureaucrats and politicians fail to precisely detect the sycophants of the British deep state. In fact, such people have quite obvious signs.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The system of the dajjal wants bloodshed and instigates wars and conflicts. Our brothers should not feel uneasy, this persecution will be completely over with the system of the Mahdi.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
There are very few unlawful acts defined in the Qur’an. Acts not defined as unlawful in the Qur’an are deemed lawful.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Russians are very noble, respectful, obeisant and beautiful people. Putin is a brave and beautiful person and is strongly against Turkey’s division.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
To be completely forgiven, one needs to provide concrete evidence of remorse and strongly emphasize one’s desire to be forgiven.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Our President Mr. Erdoğan is a man with a blessed cause and he has suffered through many ordeals. Those who attempt to come up with artificial heroes borrowing from the beauty he’s established with his efforts will not succeed.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Elderly people acquire lots of good deeds. They have a lot of possibilities to show their patience as an act of worship and thus attain the approval of our Lord.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
I pray to God to become a student of Jesus Messiah and the Mahdi. May God make me and my brothers students of these blessed personalities of the End Times.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Mr. Rouhani’s statement declaring that Iran will not accept the drawing up of new borders in the region is very to the point and very nice.
(A9 TV; October 6th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
I live my life the way I understand from the Qur’an. While making a criticism to a believer one should say ‘you are making a mistake according to “this” verse of the Qur’an.’ A criticism made without showing a verse from the Qur’an as evidence would have no meaning. When one says, ‘You are making a mistake according to ‘this’ verse,’ a believer would instantly heed that advice.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Believers are brothers and would never leave one another alone. As a nation we all stand by our President Mr. Erdoğan.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Music is not unlawful, dancing is not unlawful. Having fun, laughing, being cheerful is not unlawful according to religion. Islam in the Qur’an bestows the utmost freedom to believers.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
The joy of women is a great blessing. We will soon see the days that women will be able to wander around the streets freely in joy rather than lowering their eyes down at the streets.
(A9 TV; October 7th, 2017)
Adnan Oktar
Desiring to be the one God loves the most is a religious duty on all believers.